Over 50s Say Buy To Let Is Best Investment For Financial Security

News provided by Rocket Pop PR on Friday 13th Dec 2013

Research by Manchester-based buy to let specialist, Sequre Property Investment, has revealed that over fifty per cent of over 50s consider either buy to let or buy to sell property as the most attractive investment option when planning their family’s financial security, ahead of shares, equities, antiques or any other investment type.

Sequre found that only ten per cent of over 50s are happier with their plans for retirement now than they were five years ago. This reaffirms the company’s belief that those in their 50s and approaching retirement are losing faith in banks, shares and their pensions, and beginning to consider that property investment is, on balance, the safest and most rewarding alternative.

The survey results also show that almost sixty per cent of 50-59 year olds would invest in property to secure their children’s or grandchildren’s future, ahead of another investment type. This percentage decreases as the age of respondents increases, with only twenty-five per cent of over 80s considering property investment as the most attractive investment option when planning their family’s financial security. This trend strengthens the idea that those approaching retirement have an increasingly positive outlook on property investment, something which Sequre’s Managing Director, Graham Davidson, believes is down to a lack of trust in banks and volatility in the stock market. He comments:

“We have identified a sharp increase in the number of investors who are approaching retirement coming to us with an interest in the rewards of property investment and its potential to ‘rescue’ their retirement plans. I think this demographic, feeling let down by banks and the performance of the stock market, is wising up to the appeal of buy to let investment as an income source in retirement which can also provide ‘lump sum’ financial security for their family. The fact our research found buy to let investment is more than twice as popular as shares amongst over 50s speaks for itself.”

Sequre, which specialises in the provision of high-income producing, buy-to-let property in a number of major UK cities, is now registering more than 1,500 enquiries from potential investors each month. More than half of the enquiries Sequre receives are from investors over the age of 50.

Sequre prides itself on supplying an expert acquisition and hands-off investment service to individuals ranging from first time property investors to those with portfolios worth several million pounds.

For further information please visit Sequre’s website www.sequre.co.uk, or connect with Sequre on social media (facebook.com/SequrePropertyInvestment) and (@SequreProperty).

Statistics taken from commissioned survey carried out by Censuswide, October 2013

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For more editorial information, please contact Annabel Darby at Rumpus PR
Email: annabel@rumpuspr.com Tel: 0161 942 9988

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Rocket Pop PR, on Friday 13 December, 2013. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

Buy To Let Property Construction & Property
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Over 50s Say Buy To Let Is Best Investment For Financial Security

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