‘Open Space Conversation’ returns to Brighton as Survivors’ Network Annual Event

News provided by Survivors' Network on Wednesday 2nd Nov 2016

After a hugely successful Open Space event in 2015, Survivors’ Network are returning to host another exciting event in November this year to bring together the local community and continue their ‘Break the Silence’ campaign. The Sussex charity was established to support adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse and over the past 26 years has grown and developed and now provides a wide range of services for those who have survived any form of sexual violence including a drop-in and helpline, counselling, and an independent advocacy service.

With approximately 3,000 assaults a year sexual violence is one of the most pervasive crimes in Sussex. It is also one of the most devastating violations anyone can experience and can have profound consequences to physical and psychological health. Despite this, misplaced taboo and stigma mean that it remains hidden and misunderstood. Moving forward Survivors’ Network want to tackle this most dangerous element of sexual violence: silence.

Fabia Bates, Director of Survivors’ Network, explained; “Abuse thrives on secrecy - the more that we talk about sexual violence the harder it becomes to keep it hidden. This includes everything from talking about consent to children and young people and challenging the myths and stereotypes that exist, to making sure that everyone feels confident that they can speak out about their experiences and will be listened to and believed. If we open up the channels for discussion then we can reduce both the prevalence of sexual violence and its impact on the lives of survivors. One of the most important ways that you can support our work is to talk about it.”

To put this into practice, Survivors’ Network invite you to participate in the following event and, in doing so, to support survivors of sexual violence;

Survivor’s Network Open Space Conversation at The Brighthelm Centre :

Wednesday 30 November 2016, 10.30am – 4.30pm

This event will be an Open Space conference – a forum for survivors, health professionals, teachers, journalists, police, supporters and anyone with a passion to be part of this change – to come together and help us address the issue. The Open Space format will put participants in the driving seat, letting them take control, collaborate and contemplate how we combat sexual violence and the silent repercussions of such violence in our own community.

The event will not only encourage discussion, but will also result in a series of personal and community pledges to take action over the coming year to combat sexual violence and rape culture in our society.

This was so much better than an ordinary conference – we got to really talk to each other, and feel listened to too.” – a conference attendee in 2015

“Please do this again next year! I learnt so much and met so many interesting people who work in the local community.” -– a conference attendee in 2015

For more information on the event, or on Survivors’ Network as an organisation, please contact admin@survivorsnetwork.org.uk . To book a place at the Open Space Conversation event, please go to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/survivors-network-open-space-conversation-tickets-28329333800

Rape and sexual abuse can happen to anyone regardless of their age, gender, race, religion, culture or social status. If you have experienced sexual violence at any point in your life then you can contact Survivors’ Network on 01273 203380, via email on admin@survivorsnetwork.org.uk or see www.survivorsnetwork.org.uk for details of their text, voice and email helpline.

If you would like someone to talk to outside of these hours, this information sheet provided by Survivors’ Network has details of other relevant helplines across the country.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Survivors' Network, on Wednesday 2 November, 2016. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

Conference Sexual Violence Rape Crisis Community Charities & non-profits
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‘Open Space Conversation’ returns to Brighton as Survivors’ Network Annual Event

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