Obesity linked to nearly 500,000 new cancer cases a year worldwide, Breakthrough Breast Cancer responds

News provided by Pressat Wire on Wednesday 26th Nov 2014

Eluned Hughes, Senior Manager – Information at Breakthrough Breast Cancer said: "This report reinforces what we already know, that we need to do so much more to reverse the tide of increasing obesity levels in the UK. By encouraging and supporting people in making healthier life choices, thousands of cancer cases could be avoided in the future.

"Whilst we are learning more and more each day about various factors that affect breast cancer risk, it is not yet possible to predict with certainty who will get breast cancer, and for women who have been diagnosed with the disease, we can't yet say for sure what caused it. That's why Breakthrough is leading the way to find the answers to these questions and shining a spotlight on prevention as part of the strategic focus of our research work.

"Until the day comes when we can stop breast cancer for good, there are proven steps women can take to reduce their risk of developing the disease – maintaining a healthy weight is one of the most important. Limiting the amount of alcohol you drink and being regularly physically active can also help to keep BMI down and lower breast cancer risk – in fact, just 30 minutes of physical activity each day can reduce your risk of developing breast cancer by at least 20%."

Felicity Norcott | Senior Press and PR Officer| T: 020 7280 4284 (544)| M: 07778 682 001 | F: 020 7025 2401| breakthrough.org.uk

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Wednesday 26 November, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

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Obesity linked to nearly 500,000 new cancer cases a year worldwide, Breakthrough Breast Cancer responds

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