New Trends in Functional Fabrics! HWAFUNE Breaks Through Textile Difficulties with Porlite

News provided by GoodYou Digital on Monday 5th Sep 2022

(Taipei, Taiwan) When you think about Taiwan's traditional manufacturing industries, the first thing that pops into your head may be textiles. As a global hub for textile manufacturing, Taiwan has undergone significant changes over the past 30 years.

HWAFUNE, which specialises in manufacturing functional fabrics, has insisted on keeping its production in Taiwan in order to provide reliable, high-quality products for esteemed customers. Instead of blindly pursuing low costs and low prices through contract manufacturing and ending up in the red ocean, HWAFUNE Textiles has strengthened the foothold of the Taiwanese textile industry in the global luxury market.

One of the hot topics in the functional apparel market in recent years has been the European Union's ban on fabrics that contain PTFE. When heated to high temperatures during the manufacturing process, PTFE will generate PFOA, which is classified as a possible human carcinogen, and has even been found in the livers of polar bears.

Considering the potential impact of the EU ban on the clothing market and consumers’ fear of toxic substances, upmarket brands have been looking for alternative functional fabrics. HWAFUNE has therefore joined forces with Phoenix Innovative Materials to develop Porlite, a functional fabric that has rapidly won the hearts of high-end functional apparel brands.

Anticipating Future Trends, HWAFUNE Develops Porlite Fabrics with Phoenix Innovative Materials

HWAFUNE Chairman Jackson Chang says he began to take an interest in PP membranes 5 years ago. He believes they will become a trend in the functional apparel industry since the lifecycle of the material, from the production of the membrane and the manufacturing of the fabrics to the ultimate disposal of the clothing, is more in line with increased environmental awareness. With regard to sustainability, he believes there should be no need for product developers to compromise on environmental protection, price, or quality, and that there is a balance to be found between the three.

Dr. Chang, who is responsible for technology development at Phoenix Innovative Materials, explains the major advantages of Porlite, which is produced using non-toxic manufacturing processes in Taiwan. Firstly, there are 10 billion pores arranged evenly across the membrane. As the pores are smaller than water molecules and bigger than air molecules, the fabric can resist water penetration, even under pressure, while maintaining breathability.

In addition, since most outdoor exercise is relatively intense and can create a great deal of perspiration, Porlite can also transport moisture from clothing to the atmosphere by diffusion through the membrane, thus providing moisture permeability and breathability that no other functional apparel on the market can achieve.

Porlite Captures the Hearts of Top Brands with its Non-Toxic Manufacturing, Sustainability, Fastness to Washing, and Moisture Permeability

After rigorous internal test, Porlite can be washed more than 30 times and remain at least 90% dry. The excellent performance not only prolongs its lifespan but is also in line with HWAFUNE’s commitment to sustainability.

The fact that it is made in Taiwan is one of the main reasons why Porlite has won favour with Europe-based tier-one sportswear brands. The high quality enables it to stand out from other competitors and to meet customers’ needs for upscale, reliable products. Enquiries about Porlite are welcome:

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of GoodYou Digital, on Monday 5 September, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow

HWAFUNE Porlite Functional Fabrics PFOA PTFE Jackson Chang Functional Apparel Industry ESG Sustainability Retail & Fashion
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New Trends in Functional Fabrics! HWAFUNE Breaks Through Textile Difficulties with Porlite

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