New Government Suicide Prevention Strategy Must Be Adequately Funded

News provided by Pressat Wire on Tuesday 20th Jan 2015

19 January 2015 – Today's government call for more to be done to prevent suicides must be applied in equal measure to children, young people and vulnerable adults, says national charity PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide.

Comments Ged Flynn, the charity's chief executive: "We have been lobbying for some time for more focus on young suicide in particular. Currently it is a national scandal that needs to be talked about, and we are delighted that today's statement by the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg supports our long-held view that many suicides are preventable and that suicide is not inevitable."

In the UK suicide is the main cause of death of young people under the age of 35: over 1,600 every year. Hundreds more attempt suicide and thousands more self harm.

"We therefore welcome the government's broad plan and its confidence that its proposed new strategy to cut suicides is 'achievable'. However we expect it to be supported with adequate resources, both for wider understanding of people with mental health problems, preventative training and after care to help people who present to NHS services through the darkest times.

"For some time we have urged suicide to be out in the open; to be talked about. Only when society recognises that talking about suicide is not more likely to make it happen will we reduce stigma, thereby encouraging young people in particular to seek help before it is too late."


Editor's Notes:

PAPYRUS is the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide. It was founded in 1997 by a group of parents who had a lost a child through suicide: parents determined to do everything possible to save other families and young people from a similar fate.

The charity's helpline HOPELineUKprovides a unique service in the UK for young people themselves and those concerned about them - to speak confidentially to its team of trained professionals for practical advice and support. Telephone 0800 068 41 41 text 07786 209.697 or email

Editorial contact for more information:

Rosemary Vaux at PAPYRUS press office

tel 020 8943 5343 mobile 07792 72 62 41


Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Tuesday 20 January, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow

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New Government Suicide Prevention Strategy Must Be Adequately Funded

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