New diet/healthy eating book 'The Happy Eater' by Sam Rice, with foreword by Mimi Spencer co-author of ‘The Fast Diet’.
The Happy Eater is a simple set of tools aimed at reprogramming eating habits for the better.
November 14th is World Diabetes Day and a very appropriate time for new author Sam Rice to launch her book 'The Happy Eater, 4 Weeks to a Better Relationship with Food'. All author royalties are being donated to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).
Mimi Spencer, bestselling co-author of The Fast Diet, in her foreword to the book, says:
"In The Happy Eater, Sam Rice presents the truth about food. Through her own experience as someone, like many of us, who'd always wanted to be 'that bit slimmer', she has devised a practical, feasible method to fit easily into the way we all live today: we're busy, we're sociable. We're health-conscious, too – and we're often confused by the bombardment of mixed messages we get from the media. The Happy Eater is for people who enjoy food but want to put it gently in its place. It's for people looking for a clearly signed path to healthy eating and a happy weight."
Sam Rice's youngest brother Ben, a diabetic, died in 2012 aged just 27. It was at this point that she realized she had to lose weight, get healthy and stay that way. As she states in the book:
"Food had somehow become the enemy. Everything I ate seemed bad, too much fat, or salt or chemicals, which in turn made me feel guilty for eating it. Why could I not just eat food and enjoy it? One day I woke up and realised there was no magic cure, I already knew the answer; I had to find a way to eat the right foods in the right amounts to achieve my ideal weight. I also knew I would never be able to completely give up certain things so I'd have to find a way to include them. In short I had to make friends with food again."
The Happy Eater is how she did it. A simple set of 8 tools, or Key Concepts, introduced over 4 weeks aimed at re-programming eating habits for the better, leading to sustainable weight loss and improved health. Eating well doesn't need to be complicated, as Mimi Spencer eloquently concludes:
"[Eating well] is not rocket science, perhaps, but [The Happy Eater is] a fantastic philosophy for living well. I can't think of a better reason to dig in."
Available for kindle at:
UK: £1.93
USA/Other: $2.99
For more information contact Sam Rice:
Publisher interest welcomed.
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Sam Rice, on Tuesday 11 November, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow
Weight Loss Diet Healthy Eating Mimi Spencer Fat Loss Diabetes Food & Drink Health
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New diet/healthy eating book 'The Happy Eater' by Sam Rice, with foreword by Mimi Spencer co-author of ‘The Fast Diet’.
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