Minister calls for Welsh ‘opt-out’ to be extended throughout UK
Hundreds of lives are needlessly lost every year because of a shortage of donor organs
TRANSPLANT WEEK 2014: ‘Children with kidney failure face 5-year transplant wait’
Minister calls for Welsh ‘opt-out’ to be extended throughout UK
On the eve of Transplant Week 2014, KidneyKids – a UK charity supporting children suffering kidney failure -is calling for the donor ‘opt out’ system recently adopted in Wales to be extended throughout Britain. It says a change in the law could save hundreds of lives every year.
Simon Hughes MP, the Minister of Justice, is backing KidneyKids’ campaign: “The opt-out system in Wales will increase the number of organ donations while making sure that organs are not removed against the will of family members. The debate in Wales has been inclusive and conclusive, and should be heeded in England.”
TV doctors Chris and Xand van Tulleken – stars of ‘Operation Ouch’ - are also backing the organisation’s bid.“We could have many more organs available than we do now,” said Xand van Tulleken. “The opt-out law is being handled well in Wales and I support its extension into England.”
Ed Goncalves, Director of KidneyKids, donated a kidney to his 10 year old son one year ago: “Hundreds of lives are needlessly lost every year because of a shortage of donor organs. At the same time, thousands of organs are buried or cremated, yet research indicates the vast majority of people support organ donation.
“The current system isn’t working well enough. Many countries use an ‘opt out’ system. The evidence suggests donation rates there are up to 30% higher.
“The vast majority of people wish to help save the life of a sick child or adult after their death. Children suffering kidney failure commonly face distressing and perilous waits of up to 5 years if no suitable donor is available. An ‘opt out’ system ensures that the wishes of people who object to donation are respected,” he added.
Around 130 children in the UK have a kidney transplant every year. A further 170 are on dialysis and waiting for a transplant.
Prominent supporters of a switch to an organ ‘opt out’ system include former PM Gordon Brown and the BMA.
Transplant Week runs from July 7-13. People can sign up to the donor register by visiting
For further comment: Ed Goncalves (‘KidneyKids’): 0782 682 4384,
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of KidneyKids, on Thursday 3 July, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow
Organ Transplant Kidney Donor Charities & non-profits Health
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Ed Goncalves - Director 0782 682 4384
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Minister calls for Welsh ‘opt-out’ to be extended throughout UK
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