Mental Health Matters (MHM) and JET launch an employment and wellbeing service to support Newcastle’s COVID-19 recovery.
"This additional support is critical in supporting the community to recover from COVID-19”.
1 April 2021, Newcastle-upon-Tyne – Mental Health Matters (MHM) has launched a two-year pilot project, in partnership with JET, to support residents in the West End of Newcastle to improve their mental health and wellbeing and access employment.
Pathways Employment & Wellbeing Newcastle is aimed at supporting the West End community’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The service offers bespoke support to those impacted directly by the virus or by the wider impacts, including those struggling with unemployment. Individuals accessing the service will be provided with support to develop strategies to improve their mental health and wellbeing and to secure or sustain employment.
Through working in partnership, MHM combines their expertise in delivering mental health and employment services with JET’s experience in supporting asylum seekers, refugees, and individuals from minority ethnic backgrounds to integrate within the community.
Jane Hughes, CEO of MHM, said: “The COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdown measures have disproportionally impacted upon certain parts of our community, including individuals from ethnic minority backgrounds. We are incredibly proud to be able to work in partnership with JET, to not only support people to access work opportunities but to also support their wellbeing needs at such a difficult time”.
Julie Fernyhough, CEO of JET said: “JET are excited to be involved in this programme of support. Our organisation supports clients who have often had very difficult experiences and struggle with their mental health. Sadly, coronavirus has only exacerbated this and highlighted the inequalities even more. This additional support is critical in supporting the community to recover from COVID-19”.
This project is being delivered through a grant from The Newcastle Fund.
Newcastle City Council added: “All of us here at The Newcastle Fund are excited to see the development of the collaboration between both organisations”.
Mental Health Matters (MHM) is a third sector organisation providing a wide range of support to people with mental health needs offering a welcoming, safe, comfortable, non-judgmental, and non-clinical environment. Learn more:
JET was originally established as part of Newcastle City Council's ESOL (English for Speakers of other Languages) Service in 2001 to help those who were either from the settled ethnic backgrounds in the City or newly arrived in the UK, to overcome some of the challenges they faced in searching for work, as well as integrating into society. Learn more:
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of MHM, on Thursday 1 April, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow
Mental Health Charity Wellbeing COVID-19 Community Employment Newcastle Partnership Charities & non-profits Education & Human Resources Health
Published By
Carmel Smith
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Mental Health Matters (MHM) and JET launch an employment and wellbeing service to support Newcastle’s COVID-19 recovery.
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