London Taxi Drivers Charity for Children Wins First Prize at Syn Film Festival Gala Awards

News provided by London Taxi Drivers Charity for Children on Sunday 10th Nov 2024

London, UK – The London Taxi Drivers Charity for Children (LTCFC) proudly accepted the prestigious first prize at the Big Syn International Film Festival held at the Curzon cinema in Shaftesbury Avenue on Friday 8th November. Established 96 years ago, the LTCFC is now gearing up for its centenary in 2028.

The winning film showcased the charity's heartwarming outings dating back to the 1940s up to the present day, highlighting nearly a century of taking children to the seaside. This recognition is a significant achievement for the LTCFC, as their film produced by London Cab driver Sean Paul Day will be featured on the iconic Piccadilly Circus lights, one of the UK and Europe's largest and iconic billboards.

We invite you to join us in supporting the London Taxi Drivers Charity for Children at Piccadilly Circus on Thursday, 14th November 2024, at 11 a.m. Let's celebrate this momentous occasion together!

For media inquiries, please contact:

Claire Zazzara


Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of London Taxi Drivers Charity for Children , on Sunday 10 November, 2024. For more information subscribe and follow

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London Taxi Drivers Charity for Children

London Taxi Drivers Charity for Children
Claire Zazzara

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London Taxi Drivers Charity for Children Wins First Prize at Syn Film Festival Gala Awards

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