Local re-use and re-homing of old tech and how it links to reduction of digital exclusion highlighted by SocialBox.Biz manifesto
The SocialBox.Biz Laptops for Homeless, refugees, and older people in isolation Initiative also provides a win-win situation for large organisation...
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Named as “Hero innovators and change makers in 2021,” by The Independent newspaper as a testament to their Laptops for the Homeless, Elderly and Refugees Initiative, SocialBox.Biz is proving what’s possible when companies and organizations come together to better society.
There are plenty of headlines about donating old tech for disadvantaged groups. SocialBox.Biz, a digital inclusion platform working to procure old but useful laptops for rehoming to those in need, is encouraging large organisations to release their old tech to their long-standing initiative during this challenging time. The team at SocialBox.Biz has long-standing, long-term partnerships that include the drop off of old but still useful tech in their buildings as part of the SocialBox.Biz community interest initiative.
There are many disadvantaged groups such as students who need laptops during the pandemic but didn’t qualify for free new laptops for those with local council social workers and other similar programs in the past. SocialBox.Biz provides ongoing and sustainable solutions to these problems. It’s issues like this that have led to the SocialBox.Biz Digital Inclusion Manifesto.
The SocialBox.Biz Laptops for Homeless, refugees, and older people in isolation Initiative also provides a win-win situation for higher education organisations and other public institutions with a civic duty. This initiative has been in the headlines a number of times and has impacted countless lives. Their team and partners are working harder than ever to inspire council, colleges, universities, and schools across the UK to partner with SocialBox.Biz and ensure that their own old computers become part of the solution on an ongoing basis to eradicate digital exclusion.
There are more than 5 million employed in the public sector alone, meaning that millions of computers could be released to help older people. Universities employ more than half a million; schools employ around one million. The business sector could also be involved - for example the UK banking finance industry employs more than one million people and construction industry over two million. SocialBox.Biz has worked to cultivate partnerships across industries.
GLA and the Mayor of London, who pledged their old laptops and computers to help the vulnerable stay connected, confirmed this month their participation in another upcoming contribution of old yet still usable laptops and other tech.
Carolyn Williams of SocialBox.Biz says many people probably take for granted their ability to go online to meet friends and loved ones or shop. She hopes companies and individuals will start to take notice of the SocialBox.Biz campaign now and release their old tech. “We need every organisation to start looking at their procurement policy to help tackle digital isolation,” she said. “We need their old technology as soon as possible to support those in need.”
“If you’re a company or a larger organisation, we need your old laptops and other no longer needed tech now for our longstanding initiative,” said Carolyn. “The pandemic has shone a light on digital poverty and we have a manifesto which includes eradicating digital poverty by 2030.”
Read more and share, even if unable to contribute old tech at this time: https://twitter.com/SocialBoxBiz/status/1334448259549552640
Contact SocialBox.Biz today: https://www.socialbox.biz/contact-us/
About SocialBox.Biz
SocialBox.Biz is a community interest company (CIC) improving the local community by providing innovative tech solutions.
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of SocialBox.Biz Trading Enterprises CIC, on Saturday 3 April, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/
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Local re-use and re-homing of old tech and how it links to reduction of digital exclusion highlighted by SocialBox.Biz manifesto
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