LINE Enters Agreement With Japan’s CAO For Mynaportal Interconnectivity

News provided by Pressat Wire on Thursday 15th Jun 2017

LINE Corporation has entered into an agreement with Japan's Cabinet Office (CAO) regarding interconnectivity between the Mynaportal and the LINE messaging app.

'Myna' refers to 'My Number' (or the 'Individual Number Card'), a 12-digit identification number all individuals have in Japan for taxation, social security and disaster response purposes. Operated by the CAO, the Mynaportal will be an online service that users can join by making an account with their My Number Card. Users will be able to confirm information that administrative agencies have on file about themselves, receive notices from administrative agencies, and search through - and apply online for - government services throughout Japan.

Through this interconnectivity, users will be able to exchange simple messages with 'Maina-chan' - the Mynaportal's LINE Official Account - making it possible to do a broad search across government services throughout Japan, all without providing their Individual Number, name or other personal information. If users find a service that meets their needs, they can select the displayed URL to transfer from LINE to the Mynaportal, where they can submit a digital application.

The Mynaportal digital application service is set for full-scale launch with support for childcare-related services in the third quarter of this year, with LINE interconnectivity to begin within the year.

LINE has previously entered into agreements with other agencies and local governments, such as the cities of Shibuya, Fukuoka and Kumamoto which use the LINE messenger to send information about childcare and other government services. Through this new agreement, LINE hopes to create an even fairer and more equitable foundation for society thanks to the Mynaportal and Individual Number system.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Thursday 15 June, 2017. For more information subscribe and follow

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LINE Enters Agreement With Japan’s CAO For Mynaportal Interconnectivity

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