“Leave or Remain” how GFEST 2019’s #QueerQueries are set to create hope for the future.
Kamatkar states that ‘with post-Brexit ambiguity and the challenges faced by young LGBTQI+ people in the modern day, creating and supporting spaces.
Host Your Own GFEST! Calling groups to spread the GFEST experience!
GFEST - Gaywise FESTival ® (known as GFEST) is an annual LGBTQI+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex +) cross-art celebration that will run from the 11th to 23rd of November this year.
GFEST works with diverse LGBTQI+ artists to put on spectacular, thought-provoking visual arts, performances, films and music performances, talks and workshops, etc. The festival celebrates the creativity that spans across the diverse LGBTQI+ community. Irrespective of people’s cultural backgrounds, age, faith related beliefs, GFEST aims to create an open-minded and accepting “All Arts, All Welcome” spaces where people can learn and let their hair down!
Last year’s GFEST launch event showcased talent from across the cross-arts spectrum and was a successful and enjoyable event at Alexandra Palace in London.
Community groups and organisations can submit their OWN EVENTS to be part of the GFEST 2019! Community groups, local museums, libraries, or even a creative individual can host an event that would be perfect fit for GFEST, showcasing artistic excellence that exists in diverse LGBTQI+ people. They can add and promote events via the GFEST website, as long the events are showcased during GFEST 2019 dates.
This year’s theme is #QueerQueries. By looking at the inequalities in greater society, as well as within the LGBTQI+ community, GFEST asks; what classifies as equal?
Queer artists and practitioners will challenge the inequalities in modern day society through artistic exploration.
Managed by the arts charity Wise Thoughts, GFEST is the brainchild of the festival’s creative director Niranjan Kamatkar. Kamatkar states that ‘with post-Brexit ambiguity and the challenges faced by young LGBTQI+ people in the modern day, creating and supporting spaces like GFEST is more important than ever!’
Find out more about how to take part on our DIY guide: https://gaywisefestival.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/GFESTOPEN2019.pdf
Organisers can submit their own GFEST events via the festival website: https://gaywisefestival.org.uk/submissions/
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Wise Thoughts, on Tuesday 5 February, 2019. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/
LGBTQI+ LGBT Arts Music Dance Drama Annual Festival Charities & non-profits
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“Leave or Remain” how GFEST 2019’s #QueerQueries are set to create hope for the future.
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