Leaders in Sexual Health & Virility Supplements for Men
Bombyx Range of Virility supplements
Lewtress Natural Health
Alchemy leaders in the sexual health of men with their
Bombyx Range of Virility supplements
#Don’t let the physiological become psychological
Erectile Malfunction has many meanings whether it is the inability to get an erection, feeling impotent, premature ejaculation, or being too soft to penetrate. This is a malfunction not a dysfunction. Erectile Dysfunction is the inability to get an erection and only that.
Lifestyle, diet, stress, illness and certain medications can effect so many mechanics of a man’s sexual health.
Sex is a big part of a healthy lifestyle, not only does it clear the seminal vesicles but it keeps the bulbourethal and urethral glands active, helping to keep the penis a healthy and functional organ.
A healthy active prostate means healthy semen as the prostate secretes fluid that nourishes and protects sperm. Semen is made up of hormones, proteins, enzymes and a variety of minerals which make up a healthy normal colour of either white, grey or clear. Make sure yours is healthy.
After all the sexual organs need to be very healthy and active for the whole of your lifespan.
Erectile malfunction, even though not a word associated with men’s sexual health is nevertheless a word that describes many problems that can occur with men’s sexuality including:
- Non responsive penis
- Premature ejaculation
- Inability to ejaculate
- Inability to keep a hard erection long enough
- Too soft an erection
- No energy for sex
Physiological can become psychological which means there may be nothing wrong with your ability to have sex but you just have too much on your mind or you have had a failure and it has made you lack confidence. You may have ejaculated too early or have lost your erection while having sex. Many physiological episodes can create a psychological problem.
Bombyx Daily has been specially formulated to help men boost their libido and indeed their ‘MoJo’ on a daily basis. When the libido is boosted daily there can be a great many advantages over just using something as required. Spontaneous arousal can be one of the greatest pleasures for those with erectile malfunction. Bombyx Daily Complex is known to help reignite those missing spontaneous moments whilst at the same time supporting endurance, energy, concentration and all things men feel good about, including a healthy active prostate.
Bombyx Daily Complex can help kick start even the most stubborn cases of erectile malfunction!
The Bombyx range includes supplements of different strengths including one for women.
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Lewtress Natural Health Ltd, on Tuesday 12 May, 2020. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/
Virility Libido Sex ED Erectile Dysfunction Orgasm Erection Ejaculation Prostate Health Erotic Health Men's Interest
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