International Men's Day: 40% of Therapists See Increase in Men Seeking Therapy

News provided by Pressat Wire on Tuesday 18th Nov 2014

On International Men's Day (Wednesday 19th November), a survey of RSCPP ( therapists reveals that almost 40% have seen in increase in the number of men seeking therapy in the last twelve months.

In a survey of 139 therapists, 38.85% of therapists said their number of male clients had increased in the last year, with 56.12% saying the numbers had stayed about the same, and only 5% recording a drop in male clients.

RSCPP-listed Registered Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist Brian Green said: "There is a definite trend that I expect to continue as therapy generally becomes more acceptable to men."
However, despite the increase in male clients, women remain more likely to be in therapy than men, with therapists seeing around a third more female clients than male in the last month.

Registered Counsellor and Psychotherapist Ben Selby said this gender difference is understandable: "I think women have less 'face' to lose by seeking therapy. They recognise the value of talking at an emotional level with someone who will hear them, without judgement."

He added: "Men, on the other hand, I believe still feel that it is weak to discuss that they have emotions, never mind that they've been hurt. Those men seeking therapy are possibly more in touch with their feelings."

Of the male clients seen by RSCPP therapists, the overwhelming majority fell within the 31-45 age range, with 44% of male clients in this age group, followed by 45-60 year olds (making up around 30% of the sample) and 18-30 year olds (20%).

Only 5% of male clients were aged 60+, and the remainder were under 18.

According to the Samaritans, the highest rate for male suicides is also amongst the 40-44 year old age group, so it is promising that more men of this age group appear to be seeking therapeutic help. ( Suicide Statistics Report 2014.pdf)

Young men, between 25 and 34, were previously the highest age group for UK suicides, but this has dropped in recent years following a national campaign. (

Mr Selby believes 31-45 is the "perfect age" for most men to seek therapy. "They have lost the bravado of youth, and aren't as stuck in their ways as some of the older generation. I think this age will go up as some of the younger males grow older," he said.

Male clients came to therapy presenting with a number of issues – most commonly:

  • Relationship problems (21%)
  • Stress (16%)
  • Depression (14%)
  • Anxiety (10%)
  • Anger problems (7%)
  • Abuse (6%)
  • Other issues (6%)
  • Sexual problems (5%)
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (4%)
  • Alcohol dependence (4%)

Nationally, depression and anxiety are the most common mental health conditions, with 8-12% of the UK population affecting by depression and 9% affected by mixed depression and anxiety. (

Richard Snowdon, CEO of RSCPP said: "The results of our survey are a really positive sign that more men are coming forward to seek help. They are debunking the generalisation we normally hear that men keep their problems to themselves."

He added: "The average age of male clients, and the fact that so many are presenting with relationship problems, suggests many middle aged men are seeking therapy around the time of separation or divorce from a partner."

Of the clients seen by RSCPP's therapists, more than half (53%) instigated therapy of their own accord, while 43% said therapy was instigated by their partner, employer, GP or some other influencer. Despite these influencers, almost 94% of male clients attended therapy alone, with just 6% accompanied by a partner, relative or friend.


Notes to editors:

RSCPP is an online service connecting clients with the right therapist for them. They accept only trained and accredited therapists on the site.

RSCPP has 2,638 highly qualified therapists throughout the UK working in talking therapy, with experience in areas from counselling, psychology, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and many more.

Since 2007 they have been helping people to make a confident choice of therapist, fully informed by the detailed professional profiles on their site.

Their 'Find A Therapist' service allows prospective clients to quickly search through the very best practitioners in their area to find someone to suit their financial, practical, psychological and physical needs.

RSCPP sent the survey on men's mental health to 460 of their 2638 therapists and received responses from 139 practitioners.

The survey follows an article published on on 12 November, exploring issues associated with men's mental health:

For more information, contact Tommy Newman –

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Tuesday 18 November, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

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