Inspire 212’s CEO Shares Tips for Preparing for a Successful Week

News provided by Inspire 212 on Monday 18th Sep 2017

On Sunday 7th of September, entrepreneur and owner of London based company Inspire 212, Jenna Hadden, was invited to speak at a V.I.P. regional sales and marketing conference.

About Inspire 212:

Jenna, originally from South Africa, built her own sales and marketing firm from the ground up, after developing from an entry level brand representative. The CEO utilised her years of experiencing in the industry and wide ranging foundation of knowledge to establish her own firm, Inspire 212. She is now considered a leading authority in the industry and was invited to contribute to the high profile industry event last weekend.

The event, held in the world-renowned Lancaster Hotel in London, brought together the industry’s most talked about sales and marketing professionals who led a series of seminars on business tactics. The special talks were aimed at an audience of aspiring young professionals and gave all attending the opportunity to network with fellow marketers. Inspire 212’s Jenna took to the stage to discuss what she believes helps individuals prepare for a successful week, offering tips on maximising productivity through organisation.

The CEO’s speech outlined the importance of her Sunday routine and how she uses the last day of the week to plan for the coming working week. She focused on the role health and mental agility play in running a business and how success can often only be achieved with structured goal setting. She advised those in attendance to organise their life into three pillars and structure their week around these.

The first pillar revolved around business. She asked the audience to consider what upcoming projects, meetings and administrative jobs needed to be done over the course of the following week and to make sure these were scheduled in for the most productive hours of the day.

Once the first set of tasks were considered, Jenna asked her audience to focus on incorporating health and fitness into their schedule. She emphasised the importance of healthy eating and regular exercise citing it as a key component to a positive mindset and suggesting added exercise will boost energy levels and productivity.

Finally, she turned to the final pillar, one’s social life. The Inspire 212 owner paralleled the importance of socialising with her point on exercise and explained how she believes it a necessity to her mental well being and implored her listeners to get out there after work and make time for friends and family whenever their work schedule permitted it.

With these pillars in place, Jenna insisted individuals will have laid the foundations for a productive and successful week. However, she argued setting out a plan on the Sunday previous is essential for productivity and recommended all in attendance give it a try insisting it helps establish a clear vision of the coming week. This tactic has helped Jenna achieve her desired goals in her experience and believes it can do the same for other busy professionals.


Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Inspire 212, on Monday 18 September, 2017. For more information subscribe and follow

Inspire 212 Tips Sales And Marketing Event Successful Week Goals London Business Routine Business & Finance Education & Human Resources Lifestyle & Relationships Media & Marketing Opinion Article
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Inspire 212’s CEO Shares Tips for Preparing for a Successful Week

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