How fashion stimulates a baby's mind

News provided by The Wonder Weeks on Tuesday 13th May 2014

Research shows that a baby perceives the world differently with every leap he makes. Xaviera Plas, the expert of the worldwide bestseller “The Wonder Weeks”, will be showing unique visuals and movies about a baby’s way of perceiving the world at the Baby Show Birmingham. “We owe it to our babies to understand what’s going on inside their minds. Letting a baby cry it out is outdated. It’s time we parents and experts took an interest in the perceptional world of a baby. We have been neglecting to do that for too long. It’s time to revolutionize parenting!” First time a baby sees patterns in a face @ 8 weeks Is it a cow, dog or wallpaper? Fashion 2014… pure brain food and visual treats for babies! How trousers can turn from fashion into brain-stimulating objects…. Before your baby is 20 months old he makes ten leaps in his mental development – ten crucial, key periods called wonder weeks. With each of these ten wonder weeks a baby gets a totally new perception of the world. He is suddenly able to perceive things he couldn’t before. Suddenly everything ‘changes’. It’s as if he just woke up on a new planet, where everything he knew had suddenly changed. So just imagine if this happened to you. You’d go to bed and when you woke up everything was different. This would freak you out, wouldn’t it? A baby has to go through that ten times and needs help from his well-informed parents… Xaviera Plas is an engaging speaker and it’s her mission to inform every parent around the globe about the secrets of their baby’s perceptional world. For exclusive audio-visual materials, the key to unlock the mental development of babies or more information, please contact: Anita Peereboom 077 45 0455 18

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of The Wonder Weeks, on Tuesday 13 May, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

Baby Mind Stimulate Development Mental Baby Show Birmingham Parents Help Health
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How fashion stimulates a baby's mind

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