Housing charity thanks its volunteers
Coastline has calculated that the social value created by its volunteers last year adds up to over £333,000.
Coastline Housing held a special awards lunch to celebrate the charity’s volunteers and the contribution they make to its work across Cornwall as part of national Volunteers’ Week celebrations.
Last year 150 volunteers donated time to the housing charity, clocking up an impressive 2,849 hours of voluntary time between them.
Coastline provides a number of voluntary roles across a large number of departments including its Homeless Service, Miners Court Extra Care scheme and its central housing services.
Volunteers assist with all manner of initiatives including things like a garden and cookery project at the Homeless Service, a befriending scheme for Miners Court residents who would like some company and much more.
Coastline has calculated that the social value created by its volunteers last year adds up to over £333,000.
Louise Beard, Deputy CEO at Coastline Housing, said: “Volunteering provides fantastic opportunities for people to help others, improve their self confidence and help achieve their own personal development goals. Evidence has shown that giving back to others really helps to improve mental health and brings huge benefits all round. We are so thankful to our wonderful volunteers who help to make a difference for lots of Coastline customers every day of the year.”
Last year, nine of Coastline’s volunteers progressed into employment and two started their own businesses. A total of 59 also accessed either accredited or informal training, adding valuable skills and qualifications onto their CVs.
Coastline’s volunteer scheme was successful in obtaining the nationally recognised Investing in Volunteers accreditation for the third time last year.
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Coastline Housing Ltd, on Tuesday 21 June, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/
Housing Cornwall Social Value Volunteers Volunteering Befriending Homeless Care Charities & non-profits
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Housing charity thanks its volunteers
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