Gray's Art Gallery Launches Barter for Art Scheme

News provided by Pressat Wire on Friday 3rd Oct 2014

Gray's Art Gallery is an exciting new venture aiming to bridge the gap between artists and buyers, bringing contemporary art to a wider audience and actively seeking collaborations, commissions, and new venues for pop up exhibitions.

Gray's is breaking down the barriers between artists and art collectors even offering a barter scheme as a method of payment. Founder Lisa Gray said

'Gray's Art Gallery is passionate about finding new ways to bring art collectors and artists together. In the current economic situation it's always beneficial to be able to buy the art you love with anything! Products or services can be offered in exchange for a work of art. We'll consider anything you would like to exchange. The scheme allows companies that would not normally buy art to start a collection at the cost price of their goods or services. For example a hotel may offer accommodation for a week as payment for a piece of work they love. We're very excited to bring incredible art by some of the most promising artists to new collectors.'

Gray's barter for art scheme has been greatly received by their artists, such as Martin Olsson who said

"I'm very proud to show my work alongside an impressive array of other visual artists at Gray's Art Gallery, managed by Lisa Gray. Lisa is a tireless promoter of our work as well as the founder of the artistic directory/forum that is Lisa is not only instrumental in helping artists reach a wider audience and to network with others but she also champions different ways of bringing art to a wider audience. Gray's Art Gallery has adopted a new, exciting strategy to enable more people to acquire original artworks from the artists of their choice, it's called "Barter For Art". As an alternative to the usual payment with cash for artworks, Barter For Art enables people to trade goods or services for original works of art. This opens up the possibility for more imaginative transactions between the artist and the collector than has traditionally been the case. As an artist and art enthusiast alike, I look forward to following where this new idea takes us all, and I feel this is a very welcome, new bid to bringing art closer to its audience."

Gray's Art Gallery is currently selling a range of urban, modern and contemporary art by a selection of artists such as:

Sam Shendi

Sam Shendi creates colourful abstractions of the human form that hints at the complexity of human interactions. Gray's first discovered Sam after seeing his work 'The Branch' a sculpture that is smooth, sexy and stylish with a rigid formality that is combined with the freeness and flight of the female form and a bird, work that is impactful in a way that is typical of Sam. The sculptures that Sam creates are generating worldwide attention, he was winner of the £10,000 opportunity to create a new piece of public sculpture—the FIRST@108 Public Art Award and his work is being exhibited widely throughout the UK and collected worldwide.

Milan Andov

Milan creates work relating to the subconscious and the unconscious extremities of love, rage, hate, and characters displaying their deep psychological state. Milan is an incredible artist producing work that can be interpreted in many ways but never ignored. This is strong and impactful art that hits your senses and makes you think. Milan has received numerous awards for his work. This is art where you feel the soul, heart and mindful interpretations of emotion and sensuality leap from the canvas and draw you into the depths of the composition.

Kris Cieslak

Kris Cieslak concentrates on interpersonal relations, self improvement, introspection and understanding of others, transferring the conclusions of these observations to his paintings. focusing primarily on the constant striving for perfection, both physical and spiritual, which is clearly reflected in his work. Paintings that show the features trends such as photo-realism and pop art, mixed with abstract concepts, creating an intriguing yet simple in form painting, without unnecessary moralizing or pomposity. His works are not only linked by technique, framing or the characteristic use of colour, but what really connects them is the beauty of the body, eroticism and the capturing of the variety of emotions hidden in every human being.

Patrick Colhoun

Patrick Colhoun creates strong, dark and edgy sculptures. Intriguing depictions of masculinity and sexual deviancy, a hint of bondage, texture with strength and an overall beauty. The masculinity of his work is often held together by an obsession and bonding with the female form such as the hosiery holding the male together in 'Pigskin'. The sentiments behind his work involve grieving, childhood memories and male psychology, and are portrayed in a unique and often extreme way.


Press Contact:

For press information and more images contact:

Lisa Gray,
Mobile: +44(0) 7867 785197

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Friday 3 October, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

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Gray's Art Gallery Launches Barter for Art Scheme

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