Global thriller exposes shocking reality about nuclear retaliation...
With over 20,000 nuclear warheads still in existence today, Twilight Visitor, although a fictional thriller, presents a very real global scenario.
In Twilight Visitor, just published through British publishing house, Netherworld Books, author Real Laplaine exposes the all-too-real and shocking reality of a nuclear confrontation between China and Iran. With over 20,000 nuclear warheads still in existence today, Twilight Visitor, although a fictional thriller, presents a very real global scenario. Both eye-opening and challenging, the book raises many questions about environmental and energy issues, military and nuclear stockpiling, and the philosophical future of mankind. An intuitive, thrilling and action-packed novel. says this:
"The story races along with pace of a Tom Clancy thriller but the depth of the plot is rich in complexities philosophical ideas. Laplaine has a good descriptive style that never interferes with the flow of the narrative as he builds highly credible scenarios that give the reader a true feeling that this is all too close for comfort. Highly recommended for readers who like fast paced thrillers but with an ingenious twist."
Alex Markman, author of Contra-Odessa says this:
"The Twilight Visitor is an international thriller, with a complicated, intense plot and colourful characters. Its elegant prose, rich with original metaphors and succinct descriptions, creates an illusion of dazzling sceneries, almost palpable components of reality, and suspense, deftly mixed with philosophical and political dilemmas of contemporary life. The excitement of reading it ends only on the last page."
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Author - Real Laplaine, on Monday 27 October, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow
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Real Laplaine, author
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Global thriller exposes shocking reality about nuclear retaliation...
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