Four Man Skydive in memory of Frazzle the Wonder-Dog
Four skydivers will be jumping to raise money in Frazzle's memory and to support other dogs like him who deserve a second chance.
Freefall for Frazzle
Four intrepid skydivers to jump from a plane to raise funds for wonder-dog's medical fees
The Little Dog Rescue uses a network of fosterers to rescue dogs that need a loving home and a second chance. Frazzle, one of our lifetime foster dogs, who because of his age and medical needs required ongoing care and funding sadly died last month, but now four intrepid skydivers will be jumping this Sunday to raise money in Frazzle's name to help other dogs like him.
When Frazzle was picked up by the local council, cold and afraid, just before Christmas 2011, he was malnourished and riddled with fleas. The length of his fur suggested he had been fending for himself for months .
He had a growth on his groin and was later diagnosed with Cushing's Disease and kidney stones.
The Little Dog Rescue intervened when the local council said they could no longer house him and intended to have him destroyed.
The Little Dog Rescue took Frazzle on and despite his age which reduced his chance for adoption, it paid for his surgery, neutering and a team of fosters who worked tirelessly.
Eventually, he landed with Angela and Chris (available for interview) who cared for him for nearly five years as part of the family, with TLDR's lifetime foster programme providing support, vets fees and medicated food.
When he was taken on, he was given months to live, But with love from everyone who met him and an army of Facebook followers, he lasted five years before sadly succumbing to his illnesses when this skydive was being prepared.
In his final months, he received the same loving care and support that allowed him to live a full life for as long as he could.
Now, this Sunday, 14th August, four skydivers will be jumping to raise money in Frazzle's memory and to support other dogs like him who deserve a second chance.
Donations: (marked 'Frazzle')
More information
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Little Dog Rescue, on Monday 8 August, 2016. For more information subscribe and follow
Dog Rescue Pet Charity Skydive Fundraising Vet Love Fosterer Charities & non-profits
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Little Dog Rescue is a decentralised charity with fosterers and volunteers around the country. Please use Sam as contact point unless otherwise directed.
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Four Man Skydive in memory of Frazzle the Wonder-Dog
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