Euro Credit Holdings Limited Strengthens Presence in Asia with New Deals and Business Development Managers

News provided by Euro Credit Holdings Limited on Monday 29th Jul 2024

Euro Credit Holdings Limited, led by Managing Director Rhys Aldous, has successfully expanded its operations in Asia throughout July, meeting with clients in mainland China, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Indonesia. The company has welcomed a new team of business development managers and closed its seventh deal in Asia as of 29th July this year.

This expansion highlights Euro Credit Holdings Limited's ability to thrive in the face of adversity, showcasing the company's strong reputation and high-quality services. The company extends its gratitude to clients and business development managers in Asia for their unwavering support and contributions to this success.

Rhys Aldous commented, "Our China A-share lending business has been performing exceptionally well, acquiring over 30 new customers in just a few weeks. Returning to the UK with such strong market success puts a smile on our faces. With the recent openings in the Taiwan and Vietnam markets, our business continues to flourish."

Malcolm Jameson praised the efforts of Rhys Aldous, stating, "Rhys Aldous has been working diligently and with remarkable dedication to close business deals in Asia. His vast network of clients and exceptional skills make him the greatest business development manager of the 21st century. We are immensely proud to have him on our team."

Rhys Aldous added, "This month has been incredibly rewarding. The support from our clients and the hard work of our business development managers in Asia have been crucial to our success. We remain committed to pushing forward and achieving even greater heights."

Euro Credit Holdings Limited looks forward to continued growth and success, driven by a commitment to excellence and client satisfaction.

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Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Euro Credit Holdings Limited, on Monday 29 July, 2024. For more information subscribe and follow

Euro Credit Holdings Limited Rhys Aldous Malcom Jameson China Singapore Hong Kong Asia Business & Finance
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Euro Credit Holdings Limited

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Euro Credit Holdings Limited Strengthens Presence in Asia with New Deals and Business Development Managers

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