Energy Saving Trust Publishes Annual Updated Energy Saving Figures

News provided by Pressat Wire on Tuesday 4th Feb 2014

For the first time on the Trust's website, energy and money saving figures are published for five different home types so that householders can pinpoint the specific savings they can make in their home.

Philip Sellwood, Chief Executive of the Energy Saving Trust, said: "In recent years we've seen a marked increase in interest from householders seeking information about energy efficiency. With householders taking a much keener interest, we're now giving more detailed information as we know there is a genuine appetite for it.

"Our figures now show potential monetary savings for five different home types from a detached house to a mid-floor flat, and a range of options depending on whether someone is topping up their loft or insulating for the first time, or switching from a G-rated boiler to an A-rated, or a D-rated to an A-rated.

"We're considered to hold the gold standard for energy saving statistics and it's vital that householders get the latest impartial information to inform their decision-making."

Figures also released by the Energy Saving Trust today show that 62 per cent of the average household's bill goes towards heating homes (both space and water heating).

The Energy Saving Trust has revealed that in an uninsulated home the walls are the worst offenders for heat loss, with a third (33 per cent) of all lost heat going through the walls. The roof was named as the second worst offender for heat loss with just over a quarter (26 per cent) going through the roof.

Sellwood added: "It's not rocket science to say that the cheapest energy is the energy not used. There's been a lot of debate about green taxes, fracking and coal and nuclear powered stations. Pound for pound, making our homes efficient unequivocally remains by far the most cost-effective thing to do to help reduce energy demand, tackle rising fuel bills and make our homes warmer and healthier."

Updated figures show monetary savings for five different home types for the first time
Just over 60 per cent of households' energy bills go on heating
Pound for pound, making homes energy efficient is most cost-effective thing to do says CEO
Energy Saving Trust has published its annual updated energy saving figures for Britain. The figures reflect the latest fuel prices and evidence and calculate the amount of money and CO2 British households could save through energy efficiency.

Download Energy Saving Trust figures.

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Notes to editors:

For further information please contact:

Jack Melling
T: 0207 227 0398

Julian Roberts
T: 0207 227 0398

How the Energy Saving Trust calculates its figures:

Each year the Energy Saving Trust models the energy saving figures from a select cross-section of data sources including its own in-situ field trials, energy prices and information on Britain's housing stock. In previous years, a part of these data sources were statistics and figures used by Ofgem for the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT) scheme. With the CERT scheme now closed, this year's updated calculations now include SAP 2009, a government and industry approved model used to calculate the energy efficiency rating of a home (the EPC rating (A-G). This reflects the savings households are likely to see as part of their Green Deal or energy efficiency report from an accredited assessor.

About the Energy Saving Trust:

Energy Saving Trust is a social enterprise group with a charitable Foundation.

Energy Saving Trust gives impartial, accurate and independent advice to households, communities and organisations on how to reduce carbon emissions, reduce fuel bills, use water more sustainably and drive smarter.

Energy Saving Trust works with governments, local authorities, communities, third sector organisations and businesses. Our activities include:

- delivering or managing government programmes
- testing low-carbon technology certification and assurance for businesses and consumer goods
- developing models and tools to gain further insight into energy efficiency.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Tuesday 4 February, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

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