Ecotricity Turns Up Heat On Frackers With Campaign Film Launch

News provided by Pressat Wire on Wednesday 26th Feb 2014

Britain's leading green energy company Ecotricity are set to launch a new online film next week as part of a new anti-fracking campaign - the film will premier at a launch event with Green Party MP Caroline Lucas on Thursday 6th March.

The short animated film, created with London based advertising agency Man+ Hatchet, follows Ecotricity's previous Dump the Big Six| films, the first of which has so far been viewed nearly 3 million times on YouTube.

Ecotricity has become the first energy company in Britain to reject shale gas, vowing never to invest in or supply customers with shale gas from fracking; and the film will urge consumers to vote with their energy bills and not support energy companies that finance the fracking industry.

The new film, to be buttressed by social media, PR and community engagement,features a series of fracking chimneys flatulently expelling gas, and carries the tag line 'Don't squeeze the last gas out of Britain'.

David Oliver, Head of Marketing at Ecotricity, said: "Like many people in Britain, we believe that fracking is wrong and we want households to be aware of which energy companies are investing in shale gas.

"This film takes an irreverent view of the fracking industry by following a long tradition of British fart gags. But it carries a serious, even urgent message - fracking will delay the switch to renewable energy and it's a desperate bid to scrape the bottom of the fossil fuel barrel.

"This is the third film in a series from Ecotricity - the popularity of the first two really captured the negative feeling of British people towards the Big Six energy companies. Polls have shown a comparable rise in opposition to fracking since last summer too, and we think this new video will articulate that growing feeling.

"Ecotricity have made a promise to be "frack-free" forever and never to invest in or supply shale gas to our customers, and we want people to vote with their energy bills and not inadvertently support fracking because of their choice of energy supplier."

British Gas's parent company Centrica announced last June announced an initial £160 million investment in shale gas in Britain - and as British Gas hold the biggest market share of domestic gas customers, many people in Britain are already inadvertently supporting the fracking industry.

Oliver continued: "We have long had an extremely active social media community that really embrace what we do at Ecotricity. Despite our size, we have more social media followers than almost all of the Big Six, and our customers really engage with us on the issues that matter. This film is a way of extending that dialogue across more platforms, with even more people."

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Ecotricity Turns Up Heat On Frackers With Campaign Film Launch

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