DVLA Personalised Registrations Sets A New British Record As 25 O Sells For £500,000

News provided by Pressat Wire on Friday 28th Nov 2014

DVLA Personalised Registrations has set a new British record for a personalised registration sold by the Agency after 25 O was bought for more than £500,000.

Incredibly, John Collins, who, as owner of Talacrest, is regarded as one of the world's leading collectors and dealers of classic Ferraris, bought 25 O for £518,000 less than three hours after successfully buying 250 L for a staggering £130,320. Both sums include fees and take the total amount paid by the businessman to £648,320.

Both are among the 1,600 registrations being auctioned by the Agency as part of its 25th Anniversary three-day auction – and also 150th live sale – currently being held at The Vale Resort near Cardiff.

Both registrations will be placed on two of the world's most exclusive cars; 250 L will head onto a rare 1964 Ferrari Lusso, while 25 O will sit on the Ferrari 250 SWB once owned by the rock singer Eric Clapton.

Moments after his success, Mr Collins said: "I was just determined to own them, it was just a case of how much I was going to have to pay for the privilege."

Asked just how much he was prepared to pay for 25 O, Mr Collins replied: "I'm not too sure, it could possibly have been the first £1 million personalised registration!"

Jody Davies, DVLA Personalised Registrations' Events Manager, said: "What a spectacular way to mark our 150th auction during our 25th Anniversary year. While we had high hopes for both registrations, we never dreamt they would be so successful and enable us to make history for the DVLA."

The other highest sellers so far in the sale include CU11 ENS (£26,648), FU11 ERS (£23,202) and 1 HJW(£21,084).

- Ends -

Note to Editors

  • It is illegal to misrepresent a vehicle registration on a number plate. The rules governing their correct display can be found at: dvlaregistrations.direct.gov.uk in the 'Got a Question?' section.
  • The final sum comprises the winning amount, auctioneers commission, 20 per cent VAT and the £80 transfer fee.
  • Millions of other personalised registrations can be viewed at DVLA Personalised Registrations' official website, dvlaregistrations.direct.gov.uk.
  • The Mini One car prize is being provided by SMA, the Official Auctioneers for DVLA Personalised Registrations.


Mark Richards Public Relations
Tel: 07774 861596
Email: mark@mrpr.co.uk

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Friday 28 November, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

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DVLA Personalised Registrations Sets A New British Record As 25 O Sells For £500,000

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