During National Apprenticeship Week and on International Women's day, 'The Big Assembly' will attempt to break last year's record of 10,000 people being online at the same time for careers advice and guidance.
To get involved, register to log on to the 30-minute interactive careers presentation at www.bigassembly.org
This year 'The Big Assembly' will focus on diversity and social mobility. Schools, young people, parents, careers advisors and employers from across the nation are invited at 10.30, on 8 March 2018 to take part in 'The Big Assembly', a live video stream to thousands across the UK wanting to find out more about apprenticeships and career options post 16.
Helen Richardson, the Big Assembly Producer and Managing Director of Workpays comments on last year's Big Assembly , "we were bowled over by the excitement and success of The Big Assembly 2017 with over 10,000 people watching the live broadcast all about Apprenticeships. This year is going to be bigger, better and more interactive with an opportunity to put your questions to a panel of apprentices and employers."
The East Midlands Apprenticeship Ambassador Network, Workpays and GetMyFirstJob have created this ground-breaking event, with support from The National Apprenticeship Service and a range of employers committed to Apprenticeships, including degree Apprenticeships.
Employers and apprentices will be sharing their experiences by combining commissioned films by apprentices with a live Q&A with experts.
Follow the build-up to the big assembly on twitter @bigassembly and get involved by asking questions using the hashtags #ASKanApprentice and #ASKanEmployer
To get involved, register to log on to the 30-minute interactive careers presentation at www.bigassembly.org
If you are an employer of Apprentices and want to get involved in this and other activities brought to you in partnership with the regions Apprentice Ambassador Network or for more information about the Big Assembly contact Helen Richardson, helen@workpays.co.uk
About the Apprenticeship Ambassador Network: The Apprenticeship Ambassador Network (AAN) is a group of employers whose main aim is to spearhead the drive to engage new employers to commit to apprenticeship delivery in England.
About Workpays: www.workpays.co.uk
Workpays is a midlands based organisation committed to providing information, guidance and training necessary to enter the labour market. Funded directly by the National Apprenticeship Service, Workpays provide free:
- Impartial Information about Traineeships and Apprenticeships to students in years 11-13
- Assemblies: A interactive presentation on everything apprenticeships.
- Group Sessions: An engaging and informative group session culminating in registering on the Governments 'Find an Apprenticeship' portal.
- Applications: Supporting Students to seek out and apply for suitable Traineeship and Apprenticeship vacancies.
- Training for Teachers
- "Workbooks and lesson plans to provide everything a teacher needs to deliver Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge
About GetMyFirstJob: www.getmyfirstjob.co.uk
GetMyFirstJob is a social enterprise committed to enhancing work opportunities for young people across the UK, and work young people to find opportunities, and with employers and training providers to find the talent they need. 300,000 young people have signed up via GetMyFirstJob.co.uk looking for the crucial first steps into the world of work.
About National Apprenticeship Service: www.getingofar.gov.uk
The National Apprenticeship Service is part of the Skills Funding Agency and supports the delivery of apprenticeships and traineeships in England. The Skills Funding Agency is an executive agency of the Department for Education.
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of GetMyFirstJob, on Friday 19 January, 2018. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/
Big Assembly Assembly Careers Advice Getmyfirstjob Apprenticeship Work Workpays Getingofar Guidance Education & Human Resources
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During National Apprenticeship Week and on International Women's day, 'The Big Assembly' will attempt to break last year's record of 10,000 people being online at the same time for careers advice and guidance.
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