Dogwoof Announces UK Acquisition Of Concerning Violence

News provided by Pressat Wire on Wednesday 14th May 2014

Dogwoof is proud to announce the acquisition of CONCERNING VIOLENCE by Göran Hugo Olsson (Black Power Mixtape) for UK distribution in all all-rights deal. Narrated by Lauryn Hill and based on Frantz Fanon's influential text The Wretched of the Earth, Concerning Violence is a bold and fresh visual narrative on Africa and is scheduled for a late Autumn theatrical release.

The deal was brokered by Oli Harbottle, Head of Distribution for Dogwoof, with Jean-Christophe Simon of Films Boutique.

“Concerning Violence is a completely unique piece of filmmaking, and it is fantastic to work with one of the most exciting documentary filmmakers today in Göran Hugo Olsson. We are confident the film will continue to have a long shelf-life far beyond our Autumn scheduled release, and will provoke and inspire in equal measure.” Oli Harbottle, Dogwoof

"Concerning Violence is an important film showing that decolonization is a long process and which is still going on. We are very happy to collaborate with Dogwoof as they are the perfect fit for the film and also the best to bring documentaries with engaged political topics to the audience in the UK."
Jean-Christophe Simon, Films Boutique.

Concerning Violence is a compelling, powerful study of the African liberation struggles of the 1960s and 1970s. Based on iconic philosopher Frantz Fanon's seminal anti-colonial book The Wretched of the Earth, the film incorporates never before seen archival footage with narration by singer Lauryn Hill, the result is a searing narrative on the African colonial experience and the violent, jarring process of liberation.


Notes to editors

About Dogwoof
Dogwoof is the UK's leading documentary film distributor. Founded in 2004, initial releases focussed on social issues: Black Gold was widely credited with shifting Starbucks' position on fairtrade, The Age of Stupid led to the 10:10 campaign, and The End of the Line was largely responsible for Marks & Spencer and Pret a Manger changing their sustainable fishing policy. Notable Dogwoof successes include: the 2011 Oscar® Nominated Restrepo, 2012 Oscar® Winning Undefeated; Ken Loach's stirring documentary The Spirit of '45, which was launched in a simultaneous broadcast across 40 plus UK cinemas, supported by both the BFI and an online project by Film 4.0. Most recently The Act of Killing won the Best Documentary BAFTA 2014. Other initiatives within the Dogwoof brand include Popup Cinema ,a mechanism for local entrepreneurs to screen Dogwoof films locally and in non-traditional venues; Dogwoof Global ,a consultancy agent based service designed to help documentary filmmakers promote and sell all their film rights for broadcast, theatrical, DVD distributors, VoD and mobile platforms; and most recently IF365 a new service for filmmakers to get their documentaries on digital platforms such as iTunes, Netflix and Blinkbox . For further information please

About the filmmakers
Director, Göran Hugo Olsson
Born 1965 in Lund, Sweden. Göran Hugo Olsson was educated at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm and is one of Sweden's leading filmmakers internationally. He is a documentary filmmaker, cinematographer and manufacturer of his own innovation - the A-Cam, a Super-16 film camera. He was editor and co-founder of the short documentary television program ”Ikon” (SVT). His previous film The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 (2011) became a huge hit in festivals, theatres and TV broadcasts worldwide. Olsson has since 1999 been a member of the Editorial board of Ikon South Africa - a platform for creative documentary in South Africa by township filmmakers in cooperation with South African national broadcaster SABC.
Filmography in selection:
The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975/ 100 min/2011/ supported by the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, the Swedish Film Institute, Swedish Television, Nordisk Film & Tv Fond, Media Programme of the European Union, ZDF/ARTE, NRK, YLE, RTS and ERT. (2011 World Documentary Editing Award, Sundance, Best Editing, Best Music, Swedish Film Awards)
Am I Black Enough For You/ 87/ 58min/2008/ supported by the Swedish Film Institute, the Danish Film Institute, the Nordic Film & TV Fond, the Finnish Film Foundation, the Arts Grants Committee in co-production with SVT also in collaboration with YLE, DR, NRK and ETV. In collaboration with TVF International and Drakes Avenue Pictures.

Press Contact:

For further information:
Yung Kha
020 7831 7252

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Wednesday 14 May, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

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