Do You Know What's In Your Glass?

News provided by Pressat Wire on Monday 9th Mar 2015

'What's in your glass?' kits developed by alcohol education charity Drinkaware will continue to be available across Berkshire following a successful pilot initiative rolled out across the area. More than six in 10 people who used the kit during the pilot said it helped them cut back on the number of units they drank.

The kits are being distributed to 200 pharmacies, GPs and Drug and Alcohol Action Teams (DAATs) to support people to track their drinking, cut back and feel the benefits of better sleep and slimmer waistlines. The initiative is part of a collaboration between alcohol education charity Drinkaware and public health teams across Berkshire coordinated by Bracknell Forest Council.

The 'What's in Your Glass?' kit contains an alcohol unit measure cup so people can accurately see how many units are in each measure. The charity developed the glass to eliminate the guesswork involved when pouring drinks at home. The kit also includes a unit and calorie calculator, and a leaflet full of information about the effects of alcohol and advice on how to cut down.

The initiative was tested in 2013 by Drinkaware, in collaboration with Bracknell Forest Council, public health teams and pharmacies across Berkshire and independently evaluated by research company Shared Intelligence.

The kit was popular with pharmacists who found the design appealing and the tone of the written information helped them spark conversations about alcohol with their customers in a non-judgmental way.

Elaine Hindal, Chief Executive of Drinkaware, says: "After a successful pilot, we are delighted to be expanding this initiative working with local pharmacies, GPs, and Drug and Alcohol Action Teams across Berkshire. We know that while lots of people recognise the need to cut back on their alcohol intake, many lack the support to actually make a change. The results from the pilot in Berkshire demonstrate that, by giving consumers the right support and information, we can achieve real and sustained positive behaviour change – something that Drinkaware as a charity is striving for across all our work."

Councillor Dale Birch, Chair of the Bracknell Forest Health and Wellbeing board, Berkshire, says: "We are really pleased to continue working with Drinkaware to build on the success of the pilot in our local area. Community pharmacies, GPs and Drug and Alcohol Action Teams are well placed to provide advice on health issues. These kits give them the opportunity to talk to people about cutting back on their alcohol intake in a positive way."

Berkshire is expanding the initiative in 2015 covering six local authorities including Slough Borough Council, Bracknell Forest Council, The Royal Borough Windsor and Maidenhead, Reading Borough Council, Wokingham Borough Council and West Berkshire Council.


For further information contact:

Kelly O'Sullivan, Media and Public Affairs Manager, / 0207 766 9900 / 07879 844 023

Maryellen Clare, Media and Public Affairs Officer, 766 9914/ 07917 135 436

Notes to editors:

  • Pictures of the kit are available on request
  • If you choose to drink alcohol, stick to the government's lower risk guidelines which advise that women should not regularly drink more than 2-3 units daily (equivalent to a 175ml glass of 13% wine) and that men should not regularly drink more than 3-4 units daily (equivalent to a pint and a half of 4% beer). 'Regularly' means drinking every day or most days of the week.
  • Drinkaware is an independent organisation which aims to get people to think differently about alcohol. Our entire focus is on getting people to understand the harm it can do to their health, families and those around them. If people understand the impact drink can have, they're more likely to make a change. An independent charity established in 2007, Drinkaware works alongside the medical profession, the alcohol industry and government to achieve its goals. For further information visit

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Monday 9 March, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow

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