Contactless giving to charity shown to raise 5x cash donations Edit
"We had a sell-out audience of 370 people and raised £103 from cash donations but £515 from contactless giving (5 times) and a 27% increase in donors"
Release date: [17th July 2018, London, UK]
Direct comparison shows DONATE™ is 5x more effective for charity fundraising than cash giving
"The Tapper"
Shakespeare Schools Foundation (SSF) held it's first ever stand-up comedy night in June 2018 in aid of its transformative work with young people nationwide. The event, A Man Walks into a Bard, took place in the heart of the London at the iconic, The Comedy Store and featured some of the world's most favourite comedians.
Another first for SSF was introducing a tap+DONATE™ box to the comedy event providing 400 people an additional way to support the charity. In 2016 92 million contactless cards were in circulation and by June 2016 alone, £1.9 billion of transactions were taken on contactless cards. It's been two years since that data was published and with the introduction of Apple and Google Pay, the charity sector has to adapt to new ways of making giving easier for it's audiences. SSF recognised this and reached out to networks in order to trial the contactless giving function.
“Registered charity National Funding Scheme (providers of the DONATE™ service) got us their tap+DONATE™ box within 5 days. From point of inquiry through to delivery they went above and beyond to ensure SSF would raise the crucial funds it needs to make our work happen. We had a sell-out audience of 370 people and raised £103 from cash donations but £515 from contactless giving (5 times) and a 27% increase in donors over cash alone.”
SSF used the unit as part of the night, our host coining it "The Tapper" and encouraging audience members to hand it around the auditorium tapping it and passing it to the person next to them.
“Not only did tap+DONATE™ allow us to reach donors that cash cannot reach but with less cash to handle we had fewer security concerns.”
“SSF are excited to develop its use of "The Tapper" at events in the future providing its diverse audiences and range of stakeholders the option to give via contactless payment and not replying plainly on cash donations in a bucket.”
For more information how your charity can make use of this new technology please contact
About the National Funding Scheme
The National Funding Scheme (NFS), operating under the DONATE™
brand, provides a range of mobile fundraising tools to maximise
fundraising campaigns.
Launched in 2013, DONATE™ (
is a platform that allows the UK public to conveniently donate via
touch, SMS text or online. It is so simple to use that case studies show
increases of 17x the amount raised. As a charity itself, all NFS’s
costs are covered by the Government's Gift Aid scheme. When no Gift Aid
is available NFS charges 4.5% to cover transaction and administration
Organisations wishing to register with DONATE™ should go to or for further information see for full terms and fees.
About Shakespeare for Schools
Shakespeare Schools Foundation (SSF) is a cultural education
charity that gives young people across the UK the confidence to succeed
in life.
The world’s largest youth drama festival lies at the heart of
SSF’s transformative process. Every year, we work with thousands of
pupils from every community, background and school type across the UK.
Months of preparation culminate in exhilarating performance evenings in
professional theatres nationwide; a night which can give confidence and
self esteem to last a lifetime.
As a result of the 2017 Festival, 97% of teachers reported their
students work better together as a team and 81% reported improvements
in academic attainment.
Our carefully tailored programmes, curriculum resources and
standalone workshops improve teamwork, increases articulacy and builds
confidence from Belfast to Bristol, Edinburgh to Exeter. SSF uses the
unique power of Shakespeare to transform lives.
”We will never know how far the ripples of this project will
travel into the future iof these young people and theour the school’s
wider community”
- Kim Karam, Teacher, Castleview Primary School, Edinburgh
This year SSF celebrates being a triple award winning charity
including an Emcee in “Best Donor Love” from the National Fundraising
School and the Grant for Young Artists Praemium Imperial Award.
To find our more and how to support our work visit:
Contact – National Funding Scheme Contact – Shakespeare for Schools
Georgie Brehaut, Events Manager, 020 7601 1936 / /
William Makower, Founder Trustee
020 3174 2276 / 07932 035787
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of National Funding Scheme, on Tuesday 17 July, 2018. For more information subscribe and follow
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