Chris Packham goes wild in London in aid of AfriCat
Chris Packham brings his one-off show ‘Big Cats: Keeping them Wild’ to London Friday 17th October.
Chris Packham brings his one-off show ‘Big Cats: Keeping them Wild’ to London Friday 17th October.
'Big cats are a group of animals which command tremendous attention through their unparalleled beauty and their long cultural associations with our cultures. In simple terms Tigers, Lions, Leopards and Cheetahs are some of natures greatest masterpieces. And yet for all our global awe they are in real trouble. As our population grows there is no longer the opportunity to wrap them up and isolate them. Future conservation means living with them - something we understandably struggle to do, but can learn to do. And that is one of AfriCat’s key objectives and successes - reducing human/wildlife conflict to achieve effective and sustainable conservation - something I am keen to champion'”. Said Chris
At this illustrated talk the conservationist, broadcaster, ecologist presenter, wildlife photographer will outline sometimes his controversial views on what he feels now needs to be done to conserve big cats in the wild. The talk will be accompanied by his own photographs and film clips. On the evening Chris will also share some of his tips and ideas about taking great wildlife photos.
David Farquharson, trustee of Africat UK, added
“AfriCat UK is making great strides in bringing public attention to the significant benefits that conservation and education can have in enhancing local communities in Namibia. We are delighted that Chris has been kind enough to offer his services to us and we encourage as many people as possible to come along for what promises to be a brilliant and fascinating evening".
All proceeds for the evening will go to AfriCat – a Namibian based education and conservation charity dedicated to ensuring the future of big cats in the wild of their country. Book in advance Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore SW7 2AR October 17th 7.30 until 10. Tickets £20.
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of AfriCat UK, on Thursday 25 September, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow
Packham Lecture Conservation London October Lions Leopards Cheetahs Charities & non-profits Environment & Nature
Published By

Janet Widdows, Director and Trustee,
AfriCat UK. TEL: 0118 935 1681 m 07767795938
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Chris Packham goes wild in London in aid of AfriCat
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