Chris Hawken Joins Vauxhall Motors As Director, Brand Marketing

News provided by Pressat Wire on Thursday 4th Dec 2014

Vauxhall Motors has appointed Chris Hawken to the position of Director, Brand Marketing. He joined the company on December 1st 2014.

Chris Hawken brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in Brand marketing and Brand communications, roles he has held within a number of Motor Manufacturing OEM's including Hyundai, Renault, Audi, Volkswagen and Skoda. He joins Vauxhall Motors at a pivotal time for the organisation as it embarks on its journey to strengthen the Brand. Chris will ensure that all brand communication and media placement optimise both brand development and sales lead generation.

Chris will report to the newly-created appointment of Sales & Marketing Director, to be announced in the New Year.

Peter Hope, Vauxhall's current Marketing Director, will take the role of Director, Customer Experience, with an expanded brief to ensure a fully-integrated and holistic approach to customer experience, from landing to retaining customers.


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Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Thursday 4 December, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

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Chris Hawken Joins Vauxhall Motors As Director, Brand Marketing

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