Chocolate For The Healthy Generation

News provided by Pressat Wire on Wednesday 5th Nov 2014

Live your life in perfect balance with Doisy & Dam – the chocolate bar that is healthy and delicious.

Doisy & Dam is a chocolate brand for the future. Beautifully hand-crafted from the finest, carefully-sourced organic ingredients, each 74% chocolate bar is packed with delicious, health-giving superfoods such as goji, hemp seed and spirulina. Doisy & Dam aims to keep the bars as unspoilt as possible resulting in a vegan, gluten and soya free treat.

There are currently four products in the range which bring together the delicious taste of high quality chocolate with some of the superfoods of the moment: Goji & Orange, Mulberries, Chia Seeds and Spirulina, Maca, Vanilla & Cacao Nibs and Ginger, Chilli Flakes and Hemp Seed.

Each superfood ingredient brings high levels of vitamins, minerals, fibre, protein and omega 3, boosting the bar's nutritional profile. Those attributes, combined with the cholesterol-lowering and antioxidant properties of the dark chocolate, make these bars almost guilt free!

"We add superfoods to our products to give an enhanced nutritional profile while making them taste delicious at the same time," explains Doisy & Dam co-founder, Edward Smith. "Too many healthy food products out there just don't taste very nice so our aim with Doisy & Dam was to combine taste and health into one delicious chocolate bar. We feel we've achieved this and our customers seem to think so too!"

Doisy & Dam chocolate bars are available in 40g (RRP £1.65) and 100g (RRP £3.99) and they are available from and selected retailers including Ocado, Whole Foods and Planet Organic.

For images, samples or further information, please contact Nikki Whiteford on 07733 261843 or email

[Notes for Editors]

  • Doisy & Dam was launched in October 2013 by Edward Smith and Richard Wilkinson
  • There are four products in the range
  • For more information visit

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Wednesday 5 November, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

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Chocolate For The Healthy Generation

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