Can Direct Marketing Really Increase Your Chances of Success? Iconic Strategies Explain

News provided by Iconic Strategies on Wednesday 5th Mar 2014

Managing director Simon Reynolds at Iconic Strategies insists customers want consistent, relevant communication and direct marketing is able to meet these demands with the added bonus of a personal touch.

Iconic Strategies reviews the benefits of direct marketing, following reports that customers demand personalised marketing methods from retailers. According to the 02’s ‘The Rise of Me-tail’ study, 56 percent of consumers said that they would be more inclined to use a retailer on the sole basis of a personalised customer’s experience. Cheryl Calverley, the marketing manager at masterbrand Birds Eye claimed that ‘consumers now expect an end-to-end, personalised conversation and experience with a brand. Marketers that fail to embrace this and continue with a one-size-fits-all creative and communication strategy will simply not be part of the conversation” (

Norwich’s leading outsourced sales and marketing firm Iconic Strategies specialise in direct marketing at events and private on-site promotions. Managing director Simon Reynolds claims the sole reason for choosing this method is because it allows them to engage and interact with their customers on a face-to-face basis. Direct marketing delivers a consistent personalised experience. and enables Iconic Strategies to build a trusting relationship with prospects.

With personalised marketing becoming such a huge demand from customers, Iconic Strategies express the two key areas marketers must hit with marketing personalisation:

1. Customers demand relevance

According to a recent Forrester Mobile report, customers demand relevant attention which has been customised to their needs, rather than marketing channels. Iconic Strategies stress that the importance of giving customers exactly what they want as customers are more inclined to trust businesses that exceed their expectations (

2. Personalisation guarantees ROI

Personalised marketing not only benefits consumers, but marketers will also witness a boost in ROI from this method. Iconic Strategies express the importance of ROI and have always guaranteed their clients a high ROI from using direct marketing. According to EConsultancy, it was reported that 68 percent of markets saw a boost to their marketing ROI and 74 percent saw an increase in their customer engagement (

Iconic Strategies is an outsourced sales and marketing firm based in Norwich. The firm executes compelling direct marketing campaigns at events and claims the personalised benefits it brings has contributed to the firm’s success. Despite the rise in digital marketing, Iconic Strategies have stated that the firm will always use direct marketing because it guarantees results and meets the demands of consumers.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Iconic Strategies, on Wednesday 5 March, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

Iconic Strategies Simon Reynolds Outsourced Event-Based Sales And Marketing Company Norwich Business & Finance Media & Marketing
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Can Direct Marketing Really Increase Your Chances of Success? Iconic Strategies Explain

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