BKW Energie AG partners with eSmart Systems to digitalize and automate their current inspection process for a more sustainable future.

News provided by eSmart Systems on Monday 26th Jun 2023

  • 5-year program to digitalize and automate current inspection process to a complete Artificial Intelligence (AI) image-based virtual inspection.
  • The inspection program will focus on distribution grid with a focus on wood, steel and concrete structures.
  • BKW will utilize AI to improve the speed and quality of the virtual inspection process.

BKW Energie AG, operator of Switzerland’s largest distribution system has announced a partnership with eSmart Systems to transition their current visual inspections to a complete image-based virtual inspection process. The program will utilize eSmart Systems Grid Vision® solution, powered by AI to support the high voltage distribution grid with inspection and maintenance. This partnership will provide safer, more accurate and efficient visual inspections and will optimize the inspection costs.

Grid Vision® will be delivered as a Software as Service solution for BKW Energie.
The solution delivers automation from day one through the 40+ AI models that are already trained on over 15 million global images. Through a Collaborative-AI approach, BKW will automate their virtual inspections to improve the quality and speed of inspections. The partnership will enable BKW Energie to transition their inspection processes to condition-based asset maintenance over time with the use of Grid Vision® Insight.

“We are delighted to partner with BKW Energie and our technology will support their vision of a running a more sustainable and resilient power grid” says Henrik Bache, CEO at eSmart Systems.

By lowering their carbon footprint through reduced field visits, and focusing on assets based on condition for maintenance and rebuilds, BKW Energie is building for a sustainable future and the partnership with eSmart Systems will support these initiatives with integrating more low carbon technologies onto the grid.

“Our ambition is to become a distribution system operator managing a highly efficient power grid, transforming our inspection process is getting us one step closer to our digitalization journey and enabling us to obtain accurate and reliable asset data that can be utilized for key decision making. Grid Vision® stood out as an industry leading solution and is an operational ready AI solution we expect to bring value from day 1. “Martin Rieder, Head of Asset Information Management, BKW Energie.

About BKW

The electricity grid is the backbone of modern society. As the operator of Switzerland’s largest distribution system, BKW ensures that electricity flows reliably from producers to consumers. We plan and build grid infrastructure and make the most of the opportunities that digitalisation has to offer to create sustainable living spaces.

We distribute electricity to one million people in our supply area via 22,000 km of lines and 188,000 grid connections. By running our grid safely and efficiently, we can offer our new customers access to it based on their needs.

About eSmart Systems

eSmart Systems is a leading provider of AI-powered solutions for the inspection and maintenance of critical infrastructure. With our software solution, Grid Vision® we revolutionize how utility companies operate and maintain their transmission and distribution networks. We support utilities globally to reduce inspection costs, make inspections safer, improve the quality of asset data and prolong asset life.  eSmart Systems has more than 20 years of international experience in establishing and operating knowledge-based, leading IT and energy-related companies targeting global markets. For more information visit www.eSmartSystems.com

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of eSmart Systems, on Monday 26 June, 2023. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

Virtual Inspections Drone Inspections Asset Management Utility Industry Power Lines Drones Manufacturing, Engineering & Energy
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BKW Energie AG partners with eSmart Systems to digitalize and automate their current inspection process for a more sustainable future.

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