Basingstoke: Residents learn how to better manage their diabetes at free event
Living with Diabetes Day
On November 27, Diabetes UK will be running a free event for anyone diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in the last few years, or who may have been diagnosed for longer, but has little knowledge of their condition.
For some it will be the first step towards learning to live well with Type 2 diabetes. Throughout the day, people will be given all the basic information they need to help them start taking control of their condition so they can enjoy a long and healthy life.
We'll be working with local healthcare professionals so people can find out what Type 2 diabetes is, learn about the care they should get and attend workshops on diet, exercise, medication, avoiding complications, travel and driving.
Helping people to manage their diabetes not only helps improve their day-to-day health but will also mean fewer people going on to develop serious complications. Complications like renal failure, blindness, amputations and heart disease are not only devastating to the individual but are also extremely expensive to treat. With good management many complications caused by Type 2 diabetes can be avoided.
Type 2 diabetes is six times more common in people of South Asian descent and up to three times more common among people of Black African and African Caribbean origin.
The event is free but places are limited so people will need to book a place online at or by calling Freephone 0345 123 2399. The event will be at the The Ark Centre, Dinwoodie Drive.
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Diabetes UK, on Tuesday 10 November, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow
No media attached. Please contact Diabetes UK for more information.
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Basingstoke: Residents learn how to better manage their diabetes at free event
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