App Helps Doctors and Nurses Save Lives in Emergencies

News provided by Pressat Wire on Wednesday 29th Oct 2014

The Appitized Emergency Handbook Application is helping doctors and nurses at an NHS hospital in Liverpool to gain speedier access to treatment information, potentially saving lives during an emergency.

In the past, the hospital would have had to refer to a hard copy of the Emergency Procedure Handbook or find senior clinicians to ask for advice. Now they can download the app to their own mobile devices, phones and tablets and use search engine terms to get the information they need on the go.

The app has been developed by the Cheshire-based app developer Appitized and is being updated to allow information on the emergencies to be collated to help teams better plan and support patient care in future.

Surveys suggest businesses are becoming more open to BYOD (bring your own device) for employees, with one report expecting nearly 40 per cent to stop providing devices to staff by 2016.

The app was commissioned by the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospital Trust from an idea suggested by senior emergency medicine consultants.

Dr Ray Raj said: "I had a vision for us after a trip overseas where I observed technology becoming an integral tool for healthcare and really wanted to take that on board here. Mobile is going to be even more important in the next 12 months for us as the next batch of medical students will all carry their portfolios on a mobile device."

The Emergency Handbook app has won two NHS Awards, one MOMA award and been given 100 per cent positive feedback by staff.

IT Director at Appitized, Chris Cooke said: "The Emergency Handbook app has been a huge success to date, winning both national and trust level awards. As a result of the feedback provided by the users, version two is already in development and a large number of NHS trusts are now looking to follow the Royal's lead by using mobile app technology in their organisation."

For further information on the award-winning work by Appitized, or follow @appitizedhealth on Twitter.

Notes to Editors:

Appitized Health is part of Appitized an award winning business, based in Warrington, Cheshire and is one of the UK's leading app development agencies, specialising in mobile applications for a range of clients in a number of sectors.

Appitized is part of The Results Through Digital Group.


Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Wednesday 29 October, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

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App Helps Doctors and Nurses Save Lives in Emergencies

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