Animated eCards Leads Hope Spring Mother’s Day Fundraiser
Mother's day fundraiser
Herefordshire clean water advocacy charity, Hope Spring today announced the launch of its mother’s day fundraiser. The charity raises funds to implement its aims and objectives using its charity eCard platform. Users of the platform can send personalised digital greetings cards and make a donation to the charity. Mother’s day is one of the busiest days on their fundraising calendar, hence the launch of dozens of new mother’s day ecards, with animated ecards playing a leading role in their 2024 mother’s day fundraiser.
According to the platform creator and Hope Spring water trustee Temi Odurinde the organisation added graphic design volunteers to their team. The new volunteer particularly loved designing animated eCard and videos, this is why animated ecard lead their 2024 mother’s day ecard designs. He added that the charity has been working with a new partner Ozami digital greetings, who specialises in video ecards. The combination of their collaboration with Ozami and the new volunteers will ensure people sending Hope Spring eCards this mother’s day will have a wide variety of animated and video eCards to choose from.
Another new innovation Ozami added to the Hope Spring ecard platform is the option to send eCards by WhatsApp. When the platform started, you could send eCards only by email. How you can send mother’s day or any other ecards on Hope Spring ecards by sharing it to WhatsApp. Sunday, March the 10th is Mother’s day in the UK. Visitors to Hope Spring platform on that day will be able to send digital greetings to their mother or the mother figure in their life and make a donation to water poverty alleviation.
There is more information about Hope Spring water poverty advocacy work and their charity ecard platform on their website and social media pages.
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Hope Spring Water, on Tuesday 5 March, 2024. For more information subscribe and follow
Fundraiser Mother's Day Charities & non-profits
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Animated eCards Leads Hope Spring Mother’s Day Fundraiser
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