A new phenomenon in women: The Uterus performs gender selection
Man provides both X & Y sperms, Woman 'selects' either X or Y depending on the cycle she is in.
Livonia, Michigan: Urobiologics LLC discovered a new phenomenon in women that the uterus exhibits alternating boy and girl conceiving biochemical environments between two consecutive menstrual cycles due to the hormones released in the follicular fluids. This encourages sperm sorting and selection. Hence the menstrual cycles are gender specific, and that the uterus is designed to perform natural sex selection.
This led to a new way to conceive a boy or girl with high confidence instead of just keeping trying. If cycle-1 is good for conceiving a boy, the immediate next one is that for a girl. PreGender Preconception test guides them in which cycle to try and in which to avoid in order to get the baby of desired gender. We found a 94% correlation between conception in a specific uterine environment and the expected sex outcome of the baby (n=388). If the samples are collected carefully, the success is nearly 99%. This is 3X better than IVF/IUI. Guess work is totally gone.
A new era of Gender Specific Natural Conception has arrived. It uses a woman’s natural potential to conceive a baby of the desired gender without using any medicine, gender diet or supplements. The concept has been well proven and is backed by six patents.
Based on the data and their experience so far, it appears that gender selection is a genetically controlled process which cannot be influenced by eating or douching with something. Therefore, claims of swaying for desired babies by using any gender diets, gender kits, douches or a magical astrology have no basis and are just cashing on the desperation of couples to balance their families.
“Whereas man provides both X and Y chromosome bearing sperms which determine the gender of baby, woman ‘selects’ either X or Y sperm depending upon cycle she is in Women have the power to control the family make-up.” says Dr. Verma, inventor, founder / owner at Urobiologics LLC.
How to get started?
Before pregnancy: Since there are two types of menstrual cycles, Urobiologics need to test two mid-cycle urine samples from two consecutive cycles which can be legally shipped via by mail. After testing those, they keep on guiding the couple as to when to try and when to avoid by sending individualized conception plans up to 18 months. Details at PreGender test section at our website.
After pregnancy: As soon as you get a positive pregnancy test, collect urine samples for three nights in one bottle as shown under FirstGender section & ship.
The best deal is to buy Minipack 2+1 package for USD 1045 which covers two PreGender tests before pregnancy, 18-month guidance and one FirstGender test to know the gender of baby from as early as day-1 after a positive pregnancy test. We are so confident about the success of this program that one can name the baby even before ordering the service. It is a blessing for fertile couples as well as brides-to-be for planning the future family structure in advance. The days of getting multiple babies of same gender are over.
All tests are done on urine samples from woman, voluntarily mailed to us through couriers like FedEx, UPS, DHL or USPS. It’s legal to ship urine samples under exempt human specimen classification. No travel is involved. All communications about reporting and guidance are confidentially done via email.
A NEW TREND: Would-be brides must get this test 2-3 months before their wedding date. This way she can control her conception to design a 1-boy-1-girl family and live happily thereafter. There’s no need to get multiple babies of the same gender first and then run around to be scammed by crooks.
Couples having multiple babies of the same gender must use this service. The reason being that they get easily conceived in one type of phase. PreGender Preconception test is the only way to break that gridlock by guiding them in which cycle to try and which to avoid.
For more information, visit www.urobiologics.com or call via WhatsApp 1-313 574 7500
About Urobiologics LLC: We were the first one to start urine-based gender evaluation in 1982 and have been developing this gender selection concept alongside. It was so exciting to see for the first time in 2006 that there are two kinds of menstrual cycles. In 2008, we observed that those who conceive in boy phase, get boys and vice versa. We have risen from an initial 80% success rate to 94%. Now we are world leaders in natural gender selection services and are proud to add a new chapter in human reproduction.
Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Urobiologics LLC, on Monday 16 October, 2023. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/
Uterus Sex Selection Boy Or Girl How To Conceive A Boy How To Conceive A Girl Trying To Conceive Pregnancy PreGender FirstGender Urobiologics Women & Beauty
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+1 3135747500
Dr. Kuldeep Verma. Originator of Gender Specific Conception
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A new phenomenon in women: The Uterus performs gender selection
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