£2.6 Billion to Be Invested in Stocks and Shares ISAsThis Week

News provided by Pressat Wire on Monday 30th Mar 2015

  • HL end of tax year opening hours
  • Open for new pension freedoms on Easter Monday 6th April
  • ABC of how to open an ISA and a SIPP
  • Last minute ISA/ SIPP deadlines

£2.6 billion ISA bonanza

14% of HL Vantage stocks and shares ISAs were opened in the last week of the last two tax years, which if applied across all providers, would mean £2.6bn is set to be invested in stocks and shares ISAs this week (total invested across all providers £18.4bn in 2013/14).

Danny Cox, Chartered Financial Planner, Hargreaves Lansdown:

'This week is as popular with savers as the Christmas sales are with shoppers. An enormous amount of money will be sheltered in SIPPs and ISAs, beyond from the clutches of the taxman, as investors dash to beat the closing bell at midnight on 5th April.'

HL phone lines open on Easter Monday for Pension Freedoms

Danny Cox, Chartered Financial Planner, Hargreaves Lansdown:

'We are open right up until the midnight hour on 5th April as usual, so clients can make their very last minute ISA and SIPP contributions. This April we are also going to open our phone lines on Easter Monday as well, to help clients get to grips with the new pension freedom, which arrives on 6th April. We expect a flurry of activity in the new tax year as investors get their pensions and ISAs primed for the new pension world.'

HL Last minute opening times for investment and pensions helpdesks

Monday 30/03/2015 08:00 – 20:00

Tuesday 31/03/2015 08:00 – 20:00

Wednesday 01/04/2015 08:00 – 20:00

Thursday 02/04/2015 08:00 – 22:00

Friday 03/04/2015 09:00 – 21:00

Saturday 04/04/2015 09:00 – 22:00

Sunday 05/04/2015 09:00 – Midnight

Monday 06/04/2015 10:00 – 14:00 (pensions helpdesk only)

ABC of how to open an ISA or SIPP

You will need:

  • Your national insurance number
  • A debit card with cleared funds in your account
  • You also need to know what other contributions you have made to other ISA or pensions in this tax year. We do the anti-money laundering checks electronically and may ask for further proof after your application.

Opening an HL Vantage ISA

A Go to http://www.hl.co.uk/investment-services/isa/apply-now

B Complete the form with your personal details and national insurance number

C Make your debit card payment

Your ISA is now open and the process takes less than 5 minutes.

You can make your investment choices straight away or at any time in the future – your subscription is held in the ISA cash account until you have made your decision.

You can also open your ISA by telephone 0117 980 9950 - it's the same process but we do it all for you.

How long does it take to open or top up an HL ISA or HL SIPP?

Opening an HL Vantage SIPP

A Go to http://www.hl.co.uk/pensions/sipp/apply-now

B Complete the form with your personal details and national insurance number

C Make your debit card payment

Your SIPP is now open and the process takes less than 6 and a half minutes.

You can make your investment choices straight away or at any time in the future – your subscription is held in the SIPP cash account until you have made your decision. We claim the tax relief on your contribution and it is added when received.

You can also open your SIPP by telephone 0117 980 9926 - it's the same process but we do it all for you.

Tom McPhail, Head of Pensions Research, Hargreaves Lansdown :

"The pension freedoms have stimulated a surge of interest from investors looking to take advantage of the new opportunities. Investors should explore all the opportunities they present, both before and after the tax year end. Whether you are looking to top up your pension, or to use the new freedoms, it makes sense to get on top of the planning as soon as you can."

Numbers of accounts opened between 11.00 pm and 12.00 pm 5th April 2014

ISA Accounts – 111 ISA Top-ups – 72

SIPP Accounts – 18 SIPP Top-ups – 80

Time last successful ISA and SIPP calls completed

ISA 23:57

SIPP 23:58

HL Bed & ISA deadlines

Funds, postal applications Tuesday 31st March

Shares, postal applications Wednesday 1st April

Funds, online applications Wednesday 1st April – 17:00

Shares, online applications Friday 2nd April – 15.00

Bed & ISA won't be available after 3pm on 02/04/2015

HL Bed & SIPP deadlines

Funds, postal applications Too late, deadline passed

Shares, postal applications Monday 30thMarch

Funds, online applications Too late, deadline passed

Shares, online applications Tuesday 31st March – 15.00

Bed & SIPP won't be available after 3pm on 31/03/2015

"Bed &" funds or shares must be held on HL Vantage.

Media Contacts

Danny Cox

Chartered Financial Planner

Hargreaves Lansdown

Direct line: 0117 317 1638

Mobile: 07989 672 071

Tom McPhail

Head of Pensions Research

Hargreaves Lansdown

Direct line: 0117 988 9949

Mobile: 07957 273 627

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Monday 30 March, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

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£2.6 Billion to Be Invested in Stocks and Shares ISAsThis Week

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