12th April International Day for Street Children

News provided by S.A.L.V.E. International on Friday 8th Apr 2016

Children living on the streets of Uganda are celebrating the International Day for Street Children on April 12th 2016.

The number of homeless children all over the world is rising linked to increasing inequality. The International Day for Street Children is a chance to make sure that people all over the world listen to what the children living on the streets have to say about their own situation and plan for solutions together.

Children on the streets in Jinja, Eastern Uganda use the opportunity to speak out to their community by writing their very own newspaper. They also conduct a huge parade with a marching band down the main street of Jinja holding up signs asking the communtiy to treat them as human beings.

In the newspaper the children report that they are frequently beaten and perceived as idle, criminal and a nuisance by community members.

'News from the Streets', is published to give the children a chance to share their views on the realities of life on the streets. The newspaper showcases a wealth of poetry, journalism and story-telling, created by children who are currently or were formerly on the streets of Jinja.

The children talk about how much they would like to overcome the public's misconceptions and bad feelings about them, and work with them to improve the life of children living on the streets.

"When I lived on the street people would see me as a thief. Most of the community members don't take time to find out why we are homeless but assumed that we are thieves, thugs, beggars, drunken addicts and notorious children. They only used to give me challenging jobs like carrying heavy boxes, taking smelly rubbish to the pit and pay me almost nothing. My advice to the community members is, please know us more and try to help when you can. Don't torture us." Moses, 14

"News from the Streets" for 2016 is released today and can be read online here. Any quote or story is welcome to be taken from this newspaper:http://en.calameo.com/read/004271717ab8f000e72ef

S.A.L.V.E. International began in 2008. S.A.L.V.E. is a small NGO that works in Jinja, Uganda to reduce the number of children living on the streets through education. S.A.L.V.E. believes in the potential of every child to have a brighter future and that no child should have to live on the streets. To find out more go to: www.salveinternational.org

There are estimated to be over 10,000 children living homeless on the streets of Uganda (Unicef).

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of S.A.L.V.E. International, on Friday 8 April, 2016. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

Street Child Uganda Jinja Parade Homeless Abuse Charities & non-profits Children & Teenagers Opinion Article
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