1 in 2 people to develop cancer - Breakthrough Breast Cancer response to new figures from Cancer Research

News provided by Pressat Wire on Wednesday 4th Feb 2015

In response to figures released from Cancer Research UK that one in two people will develop cancer during their lifetime, Dr Christopher Runchel, Research Officer at Breakthrough Breast Cancer, said: "The news that 1 in 2 people can now expect to develop cancer during their lifetime underlines the importance of prevention and early detection of all cancers including breast cancer in order to prevent patient suffering.

"Cancer is not a done deal and with breast cancer the most common cancer in the UK, these statistics bolster us in our aim to not only stop people dying from this disease but, importantly, to also focus on stopping it developing in the first place. Prevention must be seen as important a weapon as treatment in the fight against breast cancer.

"At Breakthrough Breast Cancer our Generations Study, following more than 113,000 women over 40 years, is giving us the answers we need on what causes breast cancer. With the knowledge from these types of studies, we will focus our efforts on new ways to prevent women and men getting this disease in the future."


For more information please contact the Breakthrough Press Office on 0207 025 2432 // press@breakthrough.org.uk

Lisa Macready | Press & PR Officer | T: 020 7280 4293 | breakthrough.org.uk

Breakthrough Breast Cancer | Weston House | 246 High Holborn | London WC1V 7EX

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Breakthrough Breast Cancer and Breast Cancer Campaign have announced our intention to merge in Spring 2015. United, we will achieve our shared ambition that by 2050 no one will die from the disease – find out more.

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Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Wednesday 4 February, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

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1 in 2 people to develop cancer - Breakthrough Breast Cancer response to new figures from Cancer Research

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