In such a volatile period for the industry, trademark owners must find a way to protect their IP as competitors – and infringers – embrace AI, new challenges continue to emerge across several jurisdictions, and overcoming infringement online remains incredibly complex. This must all be done in the face of shrinking budgets and headcount.
WIPR Trademarks conference (September 5-6, Hilton Gaslamp Quarter, San Diego) presents a unique opportunity for the industry to come together and discuss how these issues can be overcome. The recently updated agenda shows the topics for discussion at the event next month.
View the timed agenda now
Delegates will hear real case studies from some of the most innovative and largest companies who are future-proofing their brand and leave with a clear blueprint for success as industry thought leaders share the strategies and tactics they have used to stay ahead of their competitors.
Attendees at the event will:
And so much more.
View more on the event website here
We look forward to welcoming attendees to what promises to be the must attend event for trademark owners this year.
David Barton
Senior Conference Producer
World IP Review
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