

Monday 16 November, 2015

A Lancashire actor is marching in memory of murdered women to highlight domestic violence murders in the UK Her visual remembrance march to Parliament will take place November 22nd.

Claire Moore, who plays the lead role in 'LADY IN RED' has organised the 'Dead Women Walking' march from her home in Preston.

'The number of women murdered by their partners and ex-partners in the UK is an indictment of civilised society,' says Claire, 'Domestic violence accounts for a quarter of all violent crime in the UK with approximately two women a week being murdered and yet our specialist women's services are at risk – this means women's lives are at risk'

'For the last seven years I have been listing the names and ages of women killed by men through domestic violence as part of a display we take on tour,' adds Claire, 'People are often shocked to see the list and wonder why they didn't know this was happening - these murders rarely make front page news, because they are commonplace and not considered 'newsworthy' - I want to change that!'

This #DeadWomenWalking walk to Parliament Square is a remembrance walk to raise awareness of the women behind the statistics of domestic violence murders, will take place on Sunday 22nd November 2015 to coincide with Parliament week and International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women that week.

Together with the ICChange campaign we will call on the UK Government to get serious about Ending Violence Against Women, by ratifying the Istanbul Convention.

'This statistic is horrifying. But we can take action to help protect women who are at risk. One of the protections to services in the UK would be the Government ratifying the Istanbul Convention on violence against women. On 8 June 2012 the Government signed the Istanbul Convention, but 3 and a half years later, it still has not fully committed to it by law through ratifying it.' adds ICChange Campaigner.

'I'm organising this Remembrance march from my living room and have set up a GoFundMe page for this year's event – please support and share if you can' adds Claire

Notes to editors:

For photographs and further information Contact Claire Moore – 07753487984

Please include the 24-hour National Domestic Violence Freephone Helpline

0808 2000 247 at the end of the article

Please link to the ICChange Petition here - please sign here.

Distributed by Pressat