During its General Assembly of Members held in Amsterdam on 13th December, WAN-IFRA, the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers, appointed Fernando de Yarza, President of Henneo Group in Spain, as its newly elected Vice President.
De Yarza, along with Michael Golden (USA), Lisa MacLeod (Tiso Blackstar, South Africa), Paul Verwilt (Mediahuis, Belgium), and David Callaway (The Street, USA) will now form the new Presidency of WAN-IFRA until the incoming Board elections planned for June 2019.
”I am very honoured to be appointed to the Presidency of WAN-IFRA. The organisation is undergoing a successful and remarkable transformation that underlines its role as the global voice of news publishers. I’ve followed the success of WAN-IFRA’s programmes worldwide during the past few years. It’s a unique, invaluable and inspirational forum on global trends in the news industry and I am grateful for this opportunity to contribute to its development” said Fernando de Yarza.
“New forces at work make this a critical time for WAN-IFRA to play in the global conversation on the future of journalism and independent news publishing. More than ever, publishers need a global voice that promote editorial quality and professional practice with innovative solutions,” he added.
Formerly the Heraldo Group, publisher of Heraldo de Aragon founded in 1895, Henneo is the seventh-largest Spanish communication group by turnover and a leading media group in Aragón. The group employs more than 1,400 employees in four business areas: news media, audiovisual production, technology, and industrial services. Henneo is the publisher of Heraldo de Aragón, 20minutos, Diario del Alto Aragón, and Informacion. Fernando de Yarza is a member of the board and the executive committee of Vocento, the leading general interest news publisher in Spain (with its flagship daily ABC, and 11 regional newspapers including El Correo). He is Chairman of Taller de Editores, Spain’s largest magazine publisher; President of News Media Europe, the association of European publishers; and Vice President at the Association of Media and Information (AMI). De Yarza has held management positions at Telefónica-Terra, where he was in charge of content purchasing and was Director General of Dasa-Logística Editorial.
The next WAN-IFRA elections are planned to take place during the annual World News Media Congress to be held in Glasgow, Scotland, on 1-3 June 2019.
PARA SU PUBLICACIÓN INMEDIATA - 17 de diciembre del 2018
WAN-IFRA anuncia a nuevo vicepresidente
During its General Assembly of Members held in Amsterdam on 13th December, WAN-IFRA, the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers, appointed Fernando de Yarza, President of Henneo Group in Spain, as its newly elected Vice President.
De Yarza junto con Michael Golden (EE.UU.), Lisa MacLeod (Tiso Blackstar, Sudáfrica), Paul Verwilt (Mediahuis, Bélgica) y David Callaway (The Street, EE.UU.) conformarán la nueva presidencia de WAN-IFRA hasta las próximas elecciones del comité planeadas para junio 2019.
“Estoy muy honrado de ser designado a la presidencia de WAN-IFRA. La organización está llevando a cabo una transformación exitosa y notable que destaca su rol como la voz global de los editores de noticias. He seguido de cerca los programas de WAN-IFRA a nivel mundial durante los últimos años. Es un foro único, invaluable e inspirador sobre las tendencias mundiales en la industria de los medios y estoy muy agradecido por esta oportunidad para contribuir a su desarrollo,” dijo Fernando de Yarza.
“Hay nuevos factores que hacen de este un momento crítico para que WAN-IFRA tome parte de la conversación global sobre el futuro del periodismo y de las noticias independientes. Ahora más que nunca, los editores de noticias necesitan una voz global que promueva calidad editorial y práctica profesional con soluciones innovadoras,” agregó.
Anteriomente conocido como el Grupo Heraldo, Henneo es el séptimo grupo de comunicaciones más grande de España por volumen de negocios, el grupo líder en Aragón y el editor del Heraldo de Aragón fundado en 1895. El grupo emplea a más de 1,400 trabajadores en cuatro áreas de negocios: medios de noticias, producción audiovisual, tecnología y servicios industriales. Henneo es donde se publica el Heraldo de Aragón, 20minutos, Diario del Alto Aragón e Información. Fernando de Yarza es miembro de la junta y comité ejecutivo de Vocento, el principal medio de noticias de interés general en España (con su diario ABC y 11 periódicos regionales, incluido El Correo). Es presidente de Taller de Editores, la editorial de revistas más grande de España; presidente de News Media Europe, la asociación de editores europeos; y el vicepresidente de la Asociación de Medios e Información (AMI). De Yarza ha ocupado cargos directivos en Telefónica-Terra, donde estuvo a cargo de la compra de contenidos, y fue Director General de Dasa-Logística Editorial.
Las siguientes elecciones de WAN-IFRA están planeadas para llevarse a cabo durante el anual Congreso Mundial de Medios Informativos en Glasgow, Escocia, del 1 al 3 de junio del 2019.
Fernando de Yarza, President of Henneo Group, newly elected Vice President of WAN-IFRA
Vincent Peyrègne, CEO, WAN-IFRA | vincent.peyregne@wan-ifra.org
ABOUT WAN-IFRA WAN-IFRA is the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers. Its mission is to protect the rights of journalists and publishers around the world to operate independent media. WAN-IFRA provides its members with expertise and services to innovate and prosper in a digital world and perform their crucial role in society. With formal representative status at the United Nations, UNESCO and the Council of Europe, it derives its authority from its global network of leading news publishing companies and technology entrepreneurs, and its legitimacy from its 80 national association members representing 18,000 publications in 120 countries. www.wan-ifra.org
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