
Transporting cancer patients and now cancer equipment, local charity offers a helping hand in national crisis.

Tuesday 7 April, 2020

Transporting cancer patients and now cancer equipment, local charity offers a helping hand in national crisis.

An opportunity has arisen for a local charity to further help cancer patients by collecting and delivering specialist cancer equipment from Freeman Hospital in Newcastle to The Cumberland Infirmary in Carlisle.

Daft a Brush Cancer Patient Care transports cancer patients, free of charge, to and from hospital who are undergoing Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy cancer treatment.

“Despite the coronavirus crisis, our charity remains operational, thanks to the remarkable commitment from our amazing volunteers”, said founder Brian Burnie, “Cancer patients still require their treatment and to assist the NHS, we’re doing all we can to help patients on the road to recovery”.

Patients from Cumbria can be referred to the larger cancer centre at the NCCC at Newcastle Freeman for up to 4 weeks treatment. As their immune system can be compromised with the disease, patients are among the most vulnerable and at much higher risk from the COVID-19 virus. Travelling is not advisable.

The team at Daft as a Brush are working together with the Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation and the NCIC NHS Trust in Cumbria to deliver vital equipment so patients receive their life-saving treatment, locally.

Caption: Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care in Newcastle - Transporting cancer patients and now cancer equipment during this national crisis.

Mr Burnie set-up the North East charity 10 years ago; “It doesn’t matter where you live, cancer patients have the same difficulties getting to and from hospital on a daily basis. We’re only too pleased to help patients in Carlisle with essential equipment to avoid any unnecessary risks.”

The 75 year old is on an epic 7,000 mile challenge to take the charity nationwide by walking the entire coast of Great Britain and Ireland. He’s met with Oncologists, NHS trusts, medical professionals and politicians in the last 2 years.

“My dream is to create 1,000,000 cancer patient journeys, nationwide.”

But, his odyssey has been put on hold after walking 5,126 miles.

“Given continuing developments and updated guidance from the Government and NHS Trusts regarding coronavirus, I have decided to temporarily stop my walk at Torquay. It would be inappropriate to continue so I am self-isolating for the foreseeable future.

I would like to thank everyone for their incredible support and encouragement to myself and Cheryl. We will resume the walk as soon as possible.”

This is a difficult and anxious time for everyone, especially those who are struggling with cancer. Our charity is here to help as much as we can and it is with great pride, I would thank all of our passionate volunteers for their extraordinary dedication.”

You can follow Brian’s walk and discover more at:
Learn more about Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care at

Who are Daft as a Brush?

Daft a Brush Cancer Patient Care offers staffed custom-made vehicles to transport outpatients, free of charge, to and from hospital who are undergoing Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy cancer treatment. The charity provides some 45,000 cancer patient journeys each year operated by over 350 dedicated volunteers.

The service entails collecting and transporting patients in a safe and comfortable environment from where they are living to where they will be having their treatment. If required, a volunteer companion will stay with the patient during their Chemotherapy and / or Radiotherapy. We return the patient to their home in readiness for their next course of treatment.

Founder, Brian Burnie is promoting the Daft as a Brush Charity nationwide by walking 7,000 miles around the entire coastline of Great Britain and Ireland in 3 years, with a converted double decker bus called ‘Bluebell’ as his home. On his return, the charity aims to create over 1,000,000 cancer patient journeys, nationwide.

Further information available at

Discover Brian Burnie’s 7,000 mile walk at

Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care, Daft as a Brush House,
Great North Road, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 2DR

Tel: 00 44 191 28 55 999

Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care is a registered charity No. 328432. Registered as a company limited by guarantee in England & Wales No. 2333474.

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