Science moves the world. And the words, too. Have you ever wondered how long it would take you to go from Bilbao to Valencia if it were not for robotics, mechanics and aeronautics, among others? Many believe that politics dominates the world, but they are wrong. It is dominated by researchers and scientists. If it were not for his discoveries, perhaps man would continue to live in prehistory. And if it were not for scientific and technical translation, half of the world would not know nowadays what a microwave is for, what is penicillin or that plants can be genetically altered to be more resistant to climate change. In our translation company we wanted to make a small tribute selecting the best interviews on scientific and technical translation.
Scientific translation to “do something for your neighbor”
How is the ‘backstage’ of a scientific translation? This process is usually commissioned by professionals and specialists in the field, not only with knowledge in the language, but also in the subject matter. This is the case of Dr. Jorge Horacio Negrete, who is not only dedicated to medicine, but also a professional translator specialized in science and technology. According to this interview, a translation of, for example, a book of hematology makes you feel that you are doing something for your neighbor. What do you think? In Okodia and Okomeds we agree very much.
The passion for the translation of technical manuals
Surely you know that when you put passion in what you do, work becomes a hobby more. That is precisely what happens to Gala and the professional translators of Okodia-Translating Group that when they discover something that they are passionate about, it is inevitable to put all their soul into that. And it is that, although it does not look like it, the technical and scientific manuals get hooked. And you can not imagine how much when you translate them! To learn about the operation of a new device before anyone else also has to have its advantages … You can take a look here of what Gala says of its work.
“In translation there is a vocation for communication”
After reading the interview published in the law magazine Uba, we have become increasingly clear that the vocation for translation does not exist as such, but what professional translators like is communication and hence their interest in learning different languages and ‘communicate’ what happens in other countries. In scientific and technical translation the same thing happens. Science engages and if we join that to professional translation we have a perfect tandem. You can read the complete interview here.
And you? What are you passionate about? We love to translate, do our work well and learn a little more each day. Or if not, discover it in our translation services in London. When something is passionate, it shows.
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