
The Grand Flaneur Walk

Tuesday 3 May, 2022

After a two-year hiatus, the most aimless walk of the century is back to celebrate the art of the Flâneur.

On Saturday 14th May, around one hundred impeccably dressed chaps and chapettes will assemble on Jermyn Street, London at midday, to set off for an entirely directionless walk.

The Flâneur is a personage rooted in fin-de-siecle history, as an aimless wanderer of cities motivated by nothing more than curiosity. Closely connected to the dandy, the Flâneur is usually clad in clothing that attracts attention, and if there is any purpose to his or her walk, it is to be seen by as many people as possible. The Chap Magazine's followers are known for their flamboyant dress, referencing historical periods from the Regency to the 1950s. 

Without plan, strategy or appointment and armed only with curiosity, an open mind and unlimited time, the flâneur walks among the crowds, oblivious to the ceaseless chattering around him. The flâneur bypasses all tourist sights and monuments, seeking their own particular set of archaeological points of interest, to which he or she may, or may not, return to one day.

The Grand Flâneur Walk 2022 will prove that, in a world dedicated to keeping appointments, making schedules and having specific destinations, there is still room to roam without purpose or target, and that some activities, much like elegant clothing, don’t need to be brought up-to-date or modernised in any way to improve them. Men and women may still enjoy the simple pleasure of walking, allowing nothing but curiosity and an open mind to guide them.

The first Grand Flâneur Walk in 2019 was staged simultaneously in London, Dusseldorf and Los Angeles, proving that the art of the Flâneur is a truly international pastime. 

The starting point for the walk will be the statue of Beau Brummell on the corner of Jermyn Street and Piccadilly Arcade. Something will be read to set the dandy heart ablaze before the walk, and to give strength to those for whom physical exercise does not come readily.

The flaneurs' only purpose is to light up the London streets with their fabulous costumes and to reject the contemporary pressures on purpose, punctuality and busy schedules.

Distributed by Pressat