
Sport Affects Productivity in the Work Place? J30 Ltd Reviews

Monday 23 September, 2013

J30 Ltd reviews some interesting facts regarding how sport has an impact on the work place and takes a closer look at their own work environment and the impact that sport has on their bottom line. A major study, commissioned by professional services recruitment and talent management consultancy, Hudson, and conducted by The Social Issues Research Centre (SIRC), assesses the impact of sporting success and failure on the UK workplace.

The results reveal that sport (and conversations between staff and customers, managers and staff, men and women) can have a positive impact on boosting morale and improving mood, motivation and productivity in the working environment.

63% of men and 52% of women said that sporting success (i.e. their team winning) has an impact on their approach to work.

47% women and 40% of men said that sporting success lifts their mood and makes them more productive in their jobs.

A fifth of men said sport increases their motivation at work compared to 12% of women.

Only 3% said that sporting success is distracting and makes them less productive.

“These facts are very interesting and I can see how sport encourages a positive working environment. We are a little football crazy here at J30 Ltd and watching important games has become part of our company culture. Conversations about the game also infiltrate many discussions between sales advisors and potential customers. Sport is a very relatable topic. Even if a person is not into sport, they are probably aware of what is happening in the world of sport even though they are not supporters. I find that people who support a team or play sport themselves have better careers as they have an innate competitive nature.” Commented Thomas Junior MD of J30 Ltd Displayed Text {url|{/url}

Lisa Quast is a contributing editor on an article that has been published on, and she talks about lessons she has learned in sport she was able to apply to her career and her personal life. The article is an interview with a professional athlete called Megan Jendrick and she talks about the most important lesson she has learnt through sport saying, “The most important lessons I’ve learned from sports are that, one, hard work really does pay off, and two, setting goals is the key to accomplishment. I learned through my goals in swimming that if I plan things out and do what’s necessary, taking things one step at a time, I’ll achieve my dreams.”

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