For a little over 12 months, Schudio have been working away on a stunning new school web site CMS solution with the aim of revolutionising the way schools work online.
The new system offers a huge range of features, the most exciting of which is responsive design. Not only can schools quickly and easily choose which site design they want to use to promote their school, every one of the designs works on every device imaginable, including smartphones, tablets, PCs and laptops.
"We've worked incredibly hard over the last year to make sure that schools have the very best tools available to them in order to keep in touch with parents and students," said Nicole Richardson, company Director.
"All news, events, term dates etc are accessible on parents phones using Schudio - the school adds the content to their web site and it is immediately available from wherever a parent or student is accessing the site in a format that is easy to read."
Schudio works on a subscription basis so schools and colleges can pay a small monthly fee for their web site and manage everything themselves quickly and easily. Discounts are available for schools who wish to subscribe for 1 year or more and all subscriptions include access to every new feature that is developed as it goes live at no additional cost.
"We are building some fantastic features at the moment that will make things more and more easy for schools to engage teachers, parents and students. We're integrating with some brilliant service providers as well so that our users will have access to additional tools that are quite frankly not being used in the education sector very much at all.
They're tools that make a massive difference to the amount of time it takes to do anything online and we're adding them to Schudio on an increasingly regular basis."
Tutorials and support are available online and schools are regularly commenting on how easy the system is to use.
Schools and colleges can sign up at and can find out more by getting in touch with our team by emailing
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