Thursday 1st August 2013
Professor Sue Hill OBE officially opened the new Action for Deafness Head Office on Sussex Road Haywards Heath on Wednesday the 31st July 2013.
The new Head Office of Action for Deafness boasts large audiology rooms with state of the art equipment, a Resource Centre for advice and support, a demonstration room with a wide range of Assistive Listening Equipment, a conference room, disabled parking and a large customer car park.
On opening the new facility Professor Sue Hill OBE said:
‘Action for Deafness has provided a shining example of how to deliver NHS hearing services together with a range of outreach services expertly. This service is one that you must all be proud of and I share in that pride.
Hearing loss is a significant problem affecting quality of life of people and about 10 million people live with some form of hearing loss but only 1.6 million people, about one in five, are being managed and supported with their condition.’
Jane Shaw CEO of Action for Deafness
‘The passion that drives us to make things happen, for our service users remains at the core of everything that we do.
I am proud to say that we have built an exceptional team of staff, trustees and volunteers all of whom work beyond the call of duty to give the best possible service to our clients.’
Roger Hewitt Chairman of Action for Deafness
‘West Sussex is very lucky to have such a fantastic service; we are the envy of other areas. Action for Deafness is an excellent example of how a third sector organisation can deliver services to the changing NHS.’
Editors Notes
Action for Deafness is a charitable organisation which was created 20 years ago by deaf people for deaf people.
For the past 7 years Action for Deafness has been providing NHS audiology services, which it now does from 6 centres.
After the introduction of the governments Health and Social Care Act 2012 Action for Deafness became the first organisation to gain UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service)
against the IQIPS (Improving Quality in Diagnostic Physiological Services) standards,
Photo shows, Jane Shaw CEO of Action for Deafness, Professor Sue Hill OBE Chief Scientific Officer NHS England and Roger Hewitt Chair of Action for Deafness
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