So many options since 2009, from Mt. Gox to Binance. My crypto journey has been a long one (side note: I’m still not a millionaire nor do I have a Lamborghini).
So, after numerous attempts and an equal number of failures. I decided to let somebody else take the reins.
Recommended by a friend, I decided to hand over my portfolio and all trading decisions to Open Exodus.
A dedicated team of brokers, a bespoke algorithm and a remarkably knowledgeable and helpful support team. I was sold.
Then came the FTX scandal and the subsequent crash in the cryptocurrency markets. Not good news for someone that has just put their child’s college fund into the market.
I needn’t have worried, Open Exodus, had exited long term positions and entered short term bets. We lost on the long term however the short-term bets more than made up for the loss.
Proof when proof was needed. My existing portfolio would have lost sums going into five figures. Instead, it grew and has continued to grow as the market has recovered and continues to gain strength.
In 6-months Open Exodus have done a better job than I’ve done in over 10 years. Outperformed the market and outperformed me.
So, if like me you’ve been looking for something better than what the banks, traditional investment vehicles and even mainstream stocks can offer, then Open Exodus could precisely be the service you’ve been searching for.
From difficult times arise great opportunities and the crypto market has never failed to provide great opportunities. After last year’s decline, Bitcoin is once again presenting itself as a generational buying opportunity.
Most people purchase Bitcoin when it’s making headlines for its huge growth and ignore it when it’s making headlines for its declines.
Open Exodus celebrates this year it’s 6th year of successfully navigating the cryptocurrency markets.
Bitcoin has just celebrated over 14 years of becoming the most exciting trading opportunity in recent times.
Time to get involved. Don’t you think?
Distributed by Pressat